
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-05-02 17:10:17
時間:2023-05-02 17:10:17     小編:zdfb




霍譯:“everyone else around here seems to go about with bated breath”, thought dai-yu. “who can this new arrival be who is so brash and unmannerly?”

楊譯:daiyu thought with surprise, “ the people here are so respectful and solemn, they all seem to be holding their breath. who can this be, so boisterous and pert?”

解析:“斂聲屏氣”原意是抑制呼吸和聲音,文中指賈府的人在賈母面前謹慎小心的樣子?;糇g用“with bated breath”,楊譯用“hold one’s peace”,雖然二者使用了不同的英語習(xí)語,但其意義和用法與“斂聲屏氣”十分吻合。

霍譯:the scriptures tell us that the revelation of the buddha - truth comes “ like ghee poured upon the head”. bao-yu must have had some such feeling as he listened to.

楊譯: baoyu felt as if buddha had suddenly shown him the light.



霍譯:“even the cleverest housewife can’t make rice-gruel without rice.”grandmother jia quoted the proverb amidst general laughter.

楊譯:the old lady chortled, “ as the proverb says : ‘ even a clever wife can’t make congee without rice.’”

解析:原本的.“巧媳婦做不出沒米的粥”即“巧婦難為無米之炊”是典型的中國諺語,指如果缺少必要條件,事情很難做成。兩種譯文都通過直譯的方式將原句的比喻意生動描述出,譯文讀者也易于接受。且譯文都使用“proverb”, 標注出此句為諺語,有助于譯文讀者的理解。

霍譯:“old friends are best friends and close kin are kindest”, said bao-yu, coming over to where she sat and speaking very quietly.

楊譯:baoyu stopped to her side and said softly, “ someone of your intelligence should know that distant relatives can’t come between close ones, and new friends can’t take the place of old”.



霍譯:“i am not much of a manager really”, said xi-feng. “ i haven’t got the knowledge, and i’m too poor at expressing myself and too simple-minded — always inclined to ‘ take a ramrod for a needle’, as they say”.

楊譯:“i’m incapable of running things”, she sighed. “ i’m too ignorant, blunt and tactless, always getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.”

解析:“人家給個棒槌,我就認作針”是一條諧音雙關(guān)的歇后語,“針”諧音“真”。這類歇后語,利用同音字或近音字相諧,由原來的意思引申出所需要的另一個意思,如“和尚撐傘——無發(fā)(法)無天”。要保證原文的結(jié)構(gòu)特征和語義,只能意譯,省去前半部分的比喻,譯出后半部分的實際意思?;糇g直譯“針”,而沒有體現(xiàn)此歇后語的真正含義,而楊譯使用英語習(xí)語“get hold of the wrong end of the stick”意思為“誤解、理解錯誤”。

霍譯:“you don’t know her,”said grandmother jia merrily. “ she’s a holy terror this one...”

楊譯:“you don’t know her yet.”the lady dowager chuckled. “she’s the terror of this house...”





