
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-04-01 14:29:54
時(shí)間:2023-04-01 14:29:54     小編:admin



qinglong gushan benefits people's health

since ancient times, fuzhou people in the choice and organization of livingenvironment, there is a tradition of using closed space. in order to strengthenthe closeness, we often adopt the method of multiple closures. for example, thequadrangle house is a enclosed space; the multi entrance courtyard housestrengthens the level of closure, and the lifang uses walls to close manycourtyard houses (such as the structure of three lanes and seven alleys infuzhou). as a city, it's the same. from the central government office (or thepalace of the capital city) to the inner city, and then to the kuocheng, it'salso a multi enclosed space. in the periphery of the city, according to thegeomantic pattern, the main mountain is used as the barrier behind the basesite, and the mountain extends to the qinglong and baihu mountains, forming atrend of encircling the left and right shoulder arms. the left and right sidesof the mountain are green dragons and white tigers (for example, in fuzhou,jinji mountain is green dragon, dameng mountain is white tiger, and yushan andwushan hold the south gate to encircle the left and right shoulders and arms).in front of the base site, there is a mountain to block it. along with the leftand right veins, the front is also closed, and the gap of water flow is is also shuikou mountain to guard it, which forms the first closed there are shaozu mountain and zushan mountain behind the main mountain, andthe mountain protection on the side of qinglong and baihu mountain (for example,gushan mountain on the side of qinglong in fuzhou and qishan mountain on theside of baihu mountain). chaoshan outside the case mountain, which formed asecond closed circle. it can be said that fengshui pattern is a natural closedenvironment outside the closed man-made building environment.

from this, we can see that gushan is the qinglong mountain of fuzhou,guarding this rare treasure land of fuzhou, and blessing the state with goodweather and people's well-being.

gushan's "drum" is of great significance

gushan is the qinglong mountain in fuzhou. it has its own magic. it isnamed after its peak, which is like a huge drum stone. it is said that this drumwas specially left by the general of beating drum in the sky to suppress thedragon. every time there is a storm, the stone drum will have the sound ofturbulence, that is, the drum general beat the drum in the face of the invasionof the dragon king on the sea at the top of the drum mountain, calling on thethree armies to prepare for battle.

drum, in the book of changes for the earthquake, for the east. according tothe book of changes, zhenzheheng. shock, smile dumb. shocked a hundred li, notlost dagger. it means that the heavy thunder is sent to the direction, and thesound is heard from thousands of miles. it has the appearance of no danger, andit also has the meaning of change.

the book of changes "zhengua" symbolizes the drum sound of vibration: itcan be prosperous. when the thunder stirs up, all things in the world areafraid, but the gentleman can be calm and smile as usual. even if the thundershakes a hundred miles away, the gentleman can be calm, which means that the manis powerful and unyielding, so he can achieve great things. the stone drum atthe top of gushan mountain is also enlightening the people living in ne is responsible for the rise and fall of every man. whenever the countrychanges, we should go out and work for the country.

nine mountain pavilions have secrets

yongquan temple, located in gushan, is even more famous in the world. it isthe pride of fuzhou. it is known as "if you come to fuzhou, you must visitgushan".

yongquan temple is integrated with the natural landscape. the originalmountain springs and cliffs and rocks in the hillside are cleverly inlaid in the front and back of the temple, there are ancient trees. it can be saidthat "when you enter the mountain, you can't see the temple. when you enter thetemple, you can't see the mountain". it's just like the temple was created bypangu, and heaven landed here. this typical tang dynasty building, facing southfrom the north, is a group of three-level palaces, rising along the the high threshold, a burst of buddhism quiet elegant fragrance will people go into the hall and burn incense to pray and bless, which makespeople feel at ease.

yan, the founder of the temple, is even more legendary. because the templeis built on the swallow's nest cave in gushan, and the swallow's nest is theoffspring of the swallow, yongquan temple can live in the monks and the masses,and steam at the mouth. it is said that after yongquan temple was built, gushanincense became more and more popular. in order to make it convenient forpilgrims to go up the mountain, the monks decided to build a road up themountain. after 49 days of hard work, a winding stone mountain road has beenpaved from the foot of gushan to the gate of yongquan temple.

the founder shen yan was very happy to see this stone road. but after a fewdays, i couldn't be happy. because the monks of this stone road temple are sickand dead. the pilgrims are also afraid to go up the mountain when they hear thatthere is a plague in yongquan temple. for a time, the monks of yongquan templein gushan fled everywhere, with few pilgrims.

in order to find out the reason, shen yan went to the top of baiyun peak ingushan and looked at the stone road. from a distance, vaguely, he found that thewhole stone road was surrounded by a fierce air. he quickly and carefully toidentify one by one, this was so frightened that he almost lost control andcried out. the stone road from the foot of the mountain to the gate of yongquantemple is like a giant python winding up. the stone slabs on the mountain roadare like scales on the python. the snake's head is facing the gate of yongquantemple. it's opening its mouth and swallowing the swallows in the bird's stone road is clearly "snake fleeing the bird's nest"! it clearly showsthat the fengshui of yongquan temple is destroyed by this stone road.

fortunately, shenyan is worthy of being a great master. he returned toyongquan temple and gathered monks to build nine mountain pavilions on the newlybuilt stone road, from the foot of the mountain to the gate. the nine mountainpavilions in the middle of the stone road turned into "boa constrictor" are thefirst pavilion in fujian mountain, dongji pavilion, yangzhi pavilion (nowabandoned), waterfall viewing pavilion (also known as shimen pavilion), chengyunpavilion, banshan pavilion, tea pavilion, songguan pavilion and dressingpavilion. these nine mountain pavilions, like nine iron nails, are firmly nailedto the stone road turned by the python, cutting the "python" into sevensections, so that it can no longer make trouble. after that, a stone road wasbuilt from shuishuiyan and paved with stones to the gate. the road is wugonglingroad, meaning seven inches of centipede ding. snakes are afraid of centipedes,so this poisonous snake can't be revived. after the wugongling road was paved,the uphill road became accessible in all directions.

now the boa constrictor can't move. and the stone road that turned into aboa constrictor was forever frozen there and trampled by thousands of then, yongquan temple has become more and more famous, and has become afamous buddhist holy land in the south. in gushan, its cliff carvings are alsovery famous.


hello, everyone. first of all, on behalf of kaixin travel agency, let meexpress our warm welcome to you and wish you a pleasant and comfortable stay inwest fujian. i'm your guide today. my name is yang. just call me xiao yang.

first of all, let me introduce the geographical location of gutian and thebasic situation of gutian conference site. gutian town is located in thenorthwest of shanghang county, at the junction of xinluo county and lianchengcounty. it has unique terrain, beautiful mountains and rivers, and is conduciveto military defense. at that time, there was only a rugged mountain road fromlongyan to gutian, with 20 li up and 20 li down. it can be said that one man wasin charge of the pass, and ten thousand people could not open it.

next, let me introduce the site of gutian conference. gutian meeting sitewas originally liao's ancestral hall, also known as wanyuan temple. it was firstbuilt in 1848. the fourth red army marched into western fujian for the secondtime. according to the song of young pioneers, it renamed "harmony primaryschool" as "shuguang primary school". gutian meeting, which is famous at homeand abroad, was held here.

ladies and gentlemen, our destination has arrived. please take yourvaluables with you and get off with me. our tour time is 2 hours. it's 9 o'clockand 11 o'clock. we will take a bus to visit the next scenic spot in thisepisode.

ladies and gentlemen, the place we are going to visit is displayed in frontof us. you see, the holy land of revolution "gutian conference site" that youall admire is here. the eight characters "gutian conference will shine forever"are shining red. the large lawn on the left side of the meeting site was theparade ground of the fourth red army of that year. there was also a paradeplatform at the southwest end. after the gutian meeting, mao zedong was killed_leaders of the fourth red army, such as zhu de and chen yi, held a grand paradeand a new year's party here.

on the left side of gutian conference square is the red army's paradeground, on which there is a command platform. on the new year's day of 1930, aspecial military and civilian get-together was held here. after the performance,commander zhu de gave each actor two new year's money. looking to the right,there was a drinking well and a lotus pool. this was mao zedong's birthday_ aplace to walk, rest and think. on the horizontal plaque of the gate of gutianconference site, there are four big characters of "beiguo fengqing". on bothsides of the gate, there is a couplet: "learning opens western europe, openingnew knowledge of flute, and articles follow the old style of mr. beiguo zhen."the consciousness of learning, opening up and rejuvenation of the ancestral hallowner is reflected between the lines, which reflects the idea of gutian peoplenot only learning western civilization but also not giving up traditionalculture.

entering the red lacquer wooden door is the former site of gutianconference hall. you can see that four columns are pasted with four slogans:"long live the communist party of china", "against opportunism", "against blindactivism", "against escapism". there are six rows of students' desks and chairsin the hall, which are old and tidy. there are two square tables and a long rowon the left rostrum

stool, a blackboard on the wall. on the top of the blackboard, there arethe stone portraits of marx and lenin in the center, and on the top of them arethe red logo "the ninth congress of the fourth army of the communist party ofchina". there are several black spots on the sanhe floor of the lower are the traces left by the cold weather, the thin clothes of the red armyrepresentatives, and the heating of the representatives during the gutianconference. from here we can see the revolutionary predecessors when it was hardto start a business, let's look at the wing rooms on the left and right. thefirst one on the right is mao_ the room is very simple with only one table andtwo stools. current year hair_ comrades are here to read the documents and meetthe delegates.

now, let me introduce to you the situation and main achievements of gutianconference

1920_ from december 28 to 29, this is a day to be remembered forever. theninth congress of the fourth army of the red army of the communist party ofchina was successfully held in shuguang primary school. more than 120representatives of the red army party, soldiers, local cadres and women attendedthe meeting. on the meeting_ zhu de made a military report and chen yi deliveredthe draft resolution of gutian conference.

the main achievement of gutian meeting is that it has summed up the richexperience of the chinese red army for more than two years, corrected all kindsof wrong ideas existing in the army, laid the foundation of our army's politicalwork, made our army draw a clear line with all the old armies, and began tobecome a new real people's army. it is a milestone in the great historicalprocess of our party and army building. it can be said that gutian conferencecast the soul of the pla. after heated discussion, the delegates unanimouslyadopted mao zedong's resolution_ personally presided over the drafting of thegutian conference resolution.

well, dear friends, today our trip to gutian conference site is over. thankyou for your support and cooperation on my work. if there is anythingunsatisfactory, you are welcome to give me your valuable opinions. i wish you ahappy journey. thank you!


today, i'm going to show you the famous scenic spot in hefei - bao , please follow me to have a look!

before visiting bao park, i'd like to give you a brief introduction to baogong. bao gong, named zheng and named xiren, was born in luzhou prefecture ofthe northern song dynasty and was a famous official of zhenzong renzong in thetwo dynasties. bao zheng was born in xiaobao village, hefei in 999 ad, and wasadmitted to the imperial examination at the age of 28. however, bao zheng oncegave up his chance to become an official. he thought: if a man can't be filialto his parents, how can he be loyal to the imperial court when he becomes anofficial? so bao zheng followed the old adage of "parents are here, sons don'ttravel far away". he was filial for ten years at home. he didn't take up thepost of magistrate of tianchang until he was 38 years old, and later became anofficial until he was the deputy minister of song dynasty. since bao zheng was aman of filial piety, an honest and upright official, song renzong gave him theposthumous title of "filial piety" after his death, and later generationshonored him as bao qingtian.

now we have come to baogong temple, the first stop of baogong culturalpark. the baogong ancestral hall that you can see is another famous person inhefei, li hongzhang, who invested in the reconstruction in 1882. therefore,there is a saying that "baojia ancestral hall, li jiaxiu" in the mouth of oldhefei. walking into the baogong temple, we first see that there are eightcharacters written on the front door of the main hall, which are also a trueportrayal of baogong's life. entering the main hall, the air is full of smoke,and the sitting statue of bao gong sits in it. with the four characters of"color is right and cold", the sitting statue of bao gong is more dignified. inthe main hall, there is also a shifu statue which is said to be one-to-one withthe real man bao gong. from this statue, we can easily see that bao gong is ascholar of literature and confucianism who is about 1.6 meters tall and ugly. hehas a pair of yin and yang faces that are afraid of ghosts. however, bao gong'supright and selfless image has already been deeply reflected in the hearts ofthe people, so bao gong is on the stage of drama they are tall, black faced andbearded.

please look here again: "if there are any officials in the latergenerations who have committed illegal activities, they should not be releasedto their families. after death, they shall not be buried in the tombs. if you donot follow my will, you are not my descendants. it stands on the east wall ofthe hall house to serve as an imperial edict for later generations. " this isbaogong's family precepts. baogong used such a strict method as expulsion torestrain his descendants. after the death of bao gong, his eldest son, secondson, and eldest grandson were all well-known upright officials at that time, andthey were known as "bao gong" in the world. there is also a wax museum in thebaogong ancestral hall, which shows the stories of baogong's case solving spreadamong the people, such as the case of guilmeian and the case of dalongpao. butwhat is the history of baogong like? please follow me to the historical andcultural corridor of baogong. in the historical and cultural corridor, we showsuch historical events as "duanzhou throwing inkstone", "luzhou examining uncle"and "sending envoys to qidan". there is also a poem written by bao gong, shujunzhaibi: "pure heart is the root cause, straight path is the body plan. show dryend into a building, fine steel do not hook these two words are exactly themotto of bao gong's life

after visiting baogong temple, please follow me to baoxiaosu entering the cemetery, we went through the gate of que and the gate ofgod, and then we walked on the shinto. on both sides of the shinto, there werewatchposts, stone sheep, stone tiger and stone man. at the end of the shinto,there was the hall of enjoyment placed by lord bao. in the rear of the hall,there is a tombstone of fangshang style in the song dynasty. in front of thetombstone, there is a tablet engraved with "the tomb of bao xiaosu, the deputyenvoy of song shumi", where the remains of bao gong are placed. baogong is notonly respected in china as "the teacher of politics"; in many countries in eastand southeast asia, baogong is also respected as a god; in south korea, twochinese celebrities are highly respected: one is confucius, the other isbaogong.

finally, please follow me to qingfengge. this song dynasty style pavilionwas built by hefei people in 1999 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary ofbaogong's birth. when you climb on the top of qingfengge, you can have apanoramic view of "baohe xiuse", one of the ten sceneries of hefei


dear tourists

hello everyone!

now, please look to the left. on our left is the administrative building oftaizhou municipal government, which is the seat of our taizhou municipalgovernment. taizhou municipal government administration building, with aconstruction area of 49510 square meters, 18 stories high and 62.9 meters high,has won the national quality project, namely luban award. taizhou is located inthe central coast of zhejiang province, in the middle of the mainland coastline,between ningbo and wenzhou, facing the vast east china sea. the land area is9411 square kilometers, the sea area is 80000 square kilometers, and there are691 islands over 500 square meters. taizhou has a population of 5.46 million, ofwhich the urban population is 1.4 million. as early as the neolithic age, theouyue tribe lived and multiplied in taizhou. huipu township was set up by thefirst emperor of qin dynasty. huipu county was established in the second year ofthe first yuan dynasty (85 bc) of the western han dynasty. it is the earliestcounty in taizhou. its jurisdiction is roughly equivalent to the present-daytaizhou, wenzhou, lishui and other places, as well as the vast area north ofminjiang river in fujian province. its area is five times larger than thepresent-day taizhou city. in the second year of taiping (257 a.d.) of wu shaodiin the three kingdoms, linhai county was established. the fourth year of wude intang dynasty (620 ad)___ the name of taizhou was changed from linhai to haizhouthe following year because of the tiantai mountain in the territory. since then,the name of taizhou has been used to this day. since the founding of new china,it has been established as an administrative office. in 1949, taizhouestablished the sixth office of the zhejiang provincial commissioner, laterrenamed taizhou office of the commissioner, commonly known as taizhou 1978, taizhou administrative office was established, known as taizhoudistrict. it was not until august 22, 1994 that the state council officiallyapproved the withdrawal of land to build taizhou into a city. with the rapideconomic development, the political center of taizhou has moved from the ancienthistorical and cultural city linhai to the economically developed "goldentriangle" zone of jiaojiang, huangyan and luqiao, where the municipal governmentis located. taizhou's climate belongs to subtropical marine humid climate, withmild climate, abundant rainfall, four distinct seasons and an average annualtemperature of 16. 6-17。 between three degrees celsius. taizhou is an area withmore mountains, more water, more sea and less land. we can use seven rivers, twomountains and one field to summarize its geographical ore, taizhou has a vast sea area with a coastline of 745km, accounting for28% of zhejiang province. taizhou now governs nine counties, cities anddistricts, namely yuhuan, tiantai, sanmen and xianju, jiaojiang, huangyan andluqiao, and wenling and linhai. apart from tiantai and xianju, the other sevencounties, cities and districts are close to the east china sea, which forms amajor feature of taizhou, with many harbors and convenient shipping.

now we see taizhou daily. the newspaper now publishes three newspapers,taizhou daily, taizhou evening news and taizhou business daily, with colorprinting every day. the average daily circulation of the three newspapers is300000. there is a relatively complete distribution network system, with morethan 500 issuers, undertaking all kinds of delivery, publicity, investigationand marketing business. so that the people of taizhou can see the newspapersthey want to read in time. these three newspapers mainly publish thecomprehensive news of taizhou local news, play the function of externalcommunication and information exchange, and serve taizhou to go to the world andunderstand taizhou. it can be said that they are an important window fortaizhou's external communication.

jiefang road, where we are now, is one of the main commercial streets intaizhou city. jiefang road and zhongshan road are both commercial streetscharacterized by fashion shopping. at the intersection of jiefang road andzhongshan road, which is called taizhou commercial prime area, there is a largeshopping center, jinjiang department store. jinjiang department store has abusiness area of 23000 square meters and operates medium and high-end businessesit is one of the fastest-growing and largest modern department stores in taizhoucity. here, for the first time in taizhou, you can enjoy the youth of giordanoand esprit, the classic of x -- moon and e +, and the noble flavor of omega andlongines. here, you can enjoy the fun of one-stop shopping integrating shopping,leisure and entertainment. with brand-new brand, brand-new management, brand-newimage and brand-new service, jinjiang department store sincerely looks forwardto performing the brand-new dynamic charm of urban life with you.

how can i feel like i'm advertising for jinjiang department store? ha ha,let's move on.

now we are on jiefang north road. at the end of this road is the passengerterminal, that is, terminal 7. it is mainly sent to shipu, the ancient city offishing port, and dachen island, the marine forest park. haimen port is thethird largest port in zhejiang province. there are many terminals. in additionto the terminal 7 we see, terminal 1 is a special coal terminal, terminal 3 is aspecial general cargo terminal, and taizhou cargo terminal the wharf of stateowned assets management bureau, the self provided oil wharf of taizhou oilcompany, and the self provided coal wharf of taizhou power plant.

taizhou has a long coastline of 745 kilometers and many deep-water has always been a maritime gateway for foreign exchanges. as early as 230 ad,sun quan, who was sent by the chinese mainland, dispatched general wei wei andzhuge to the army for more than 2 thousands of people. starting from zhang an,zhang an is the opposite of the passenger ferry pier we just saw, and it isdirectly to the yizhou and chinese taiwan. this also marks the beginning of the exerciseof jurisdiction by the chinese mainland to chinese taiwan. at present, the city has 21ports, including haimen port in taizhou bay, jiantiao port in sanmen bay anddamaiyu port in yueqing bay. 20___ in, the ministry of communications of thepeople's republic of china approved the unified designation of taizhou port astaizhou port, and determined that taizhou port is a multi-functional,comprehensive and modern international port with haimen port as the center andbarley island port and jiantiao port as the north and south wings.

the road we are on now is jiangbin west road. on your right hand side, youcan see jiangbin park, which is the bund of taizhou. every night, when thelights are on, there are lots of tourists. as we all know, taizhou is a placethat is often disturbed by strong typhoons. after the strong typhoon of november1997, the provincial party committee and the provincial government made up theirminds and issued the call of "all the people mobilize to develop waterconservancy and build seawalls with one mind". they are determined to smash thepot and sell iron, tighten their belts, and build 1000 km important seawallswith low coastal standards into high standard seawalls in three to four decision has won the support of the people and received positive responsesfrom all over the province. in only three years, the province has invested 4.5billion yuan to build 1020 km of standard seawall. a "great wall on the sea"against chinese taiwan and tide lies on the coast of the east china sea. the monument infront of it is the "monument to the qianli seawall in eastern zhejiang"inscribed by chai songyue, former governor of zhejiang province and now chairmanof the state electric power regulatory commission. the monument is cylindricaland high it is 21 meters in diameter and 5 meters in diameter. it is 3 meterslong and has a bronze head at the top, weighing 4 meters. the 5-ton buffalooverlooks the sea. why is buffalo at the top? from the perspective of yin andyang and five elements, cattle belong to earth and earth controls water, whichalso expresses people's good wishes for conquering nature.

what we are seeing now is taizhou power plant, the backbone power plant ineast china, with a total installed capacity of 1.44 million kilowatts. it is anational super large enterprise, a national first-class thermal power plant, andthe main power plant in zhejiang province. it is known as "the wings of economictake-off in southeast zhejiang".

taizhou is a big power and energy city. at present, taizhou baycomprehensive energy community, which integrates thermal power, hydropower andwind power, has been initially built. in addition to the taizhou power plant wejust saw, there are wenling jiangxia tidal test power station, which ranks firstin china and third in the world; cangshan wind power station, which is thelargest wind power plant in east china and the highest relative altitude in theworld; sanmenwan nuclear power base with a total investment of about 25 billionyuan and an installed capacity of 2 million kilowatts; huaneng yuhuan thermalpower plant with a total investment of 20 billion yuan and an installed capacityof 3.6 million kilowatts and an investment of 48 billion yuan. tiantai tongbaipumped storage power station, a state key project with an installed capacity of1.2 million kilowatts and a total investment of 700 million yuan. in the future,taizhou will become the largest and most important energy base in east china,with nuclear power as the main source, thermal power and hydropower as theauxiliary, pumped storage power generation as the supporting, wind power andtidal power as the complementary.

now the car has entered the ferry road, and there are many characteristicleisure streets in jiaojiang. for example, beixinjiao street is a century oldstreet, the architectural style of the late qing dynasty and the republic ofchina is organically blended with western and modern architectural styles,showing the regional customs and folk culture of jiaojiang, providing localsnacks, etc.; zhongshan road and jiefang road are mainly for fashion shopping;gongren road is mainly for entertainment and leisure; gongren road is mainly forleisure; the ferry road where we are now is dominated by seafood and local brandshopping. you can see that there is a haizhimen hotel in front of us. the tvplay haizhimen, which is now on the air, is the longest series and the largestscale of investment in domestic reform and reality tv series. its creativebackground is the history of reform and opening up in taizhou, which ishistorically short of state investment the vigorous development of more than 20years has been compared to "grassroots" economy by economists, and the firstjoint-stock cooperative enterprise in china has been born here. the gdp has beengrowing at a high speed of more than 13% on average. the comprehensivecompetitiveness of taizhou has ranked 35th among large and medium-sized citiesin china, and the industrial competitiveness has ranked 16th; 20___ in, thedisposable income of residents ranked second in the yangtze river delta, up to18313 yuan, only 300 yuan less than that of shanghai; taizhou now has 12national capitals and bases, 8 chinese famous brand products, 5 chinese famoustrademarks, 20 national quality inspection free products, and 48 industrialproducts, ranking first in china. famous enterprises include china leap groupfounded by qiu jibao, who is praised as national treasure by zhu rongji, chinageely group, which makes its own cars for china, and china qianjiang group,which has the largest motorcycle manufacturing base in asia.

on the left side of the window is taizhou telecom building, which is alsothe original telecom building. in the new telecom building, we can see that overthe years, as the main force of information construction, taizhou telecom hasbeen committed to the information construction in taizhou. on the constructionof taizhou's informatization___ the goal of the plan is that the broadbandbackbone network should cover the whole city, with 800000 internet users, 500000broadband users, 42% of the main line of fixed telephone per 100 people, 70mobile phones per 100 people, 70 computers per 100 people, digital tv basicallyrealized, and 95% of the enterprises' internet access rate. therefore, the taskof taizhou telecom is quite arduous . as for the logo of china telecom, you maybe familiar with it no more. what's the meaning of it? the white pattern ofchina is the trend line of the first letter c of china telecom. it looks like anopen arm, an energetic bull's head and a flying dove. it has a strong sense ofthe times and visual impact. it conveys the self-confidence and enthusiasm ofchina telecom, which symbolizes that the smooth and efficient telecom networkconnects every corner and serves more users. it also strongly expresses theservice concept of "customer first, service with heart", and embodies the goodfeelings of connecting with users hand in hand and heart in heart. the maincolor of the logo is blue, which represents high technology, innovation andprogress. calligraphy style is adopted in the writing, which shows vitality,appeal and affinity. it matches with the international logo, making theclassical and modern integrated, and the tradition and fashion complement eachother.

on our right is taizhou hospital of traditional chinese medicine. theancient chinese medicine not only blooms in china, but also is highly praised inmany countries and places in the world. traditional chinese medicine is ahistorical heritage, so it has to reproduce the history. why is it so prosperousin the long history of traditional chinese medicine? the main way is to realizeit by the way of teacher leading apprentice and father passing on son. what'sthe origin of traditional chinese medicine? as early as in ancient times, ourancestors created primitive medicine in the struggle with nature. in the processof searching for food, people found that some food can alleviate or eliminatesome diseases. this is the origin of the discovery and application oftraditional chinese medicine. the theory of traditional chinese medicine mainlycomes from practice, and has been constantly enriched and developed in early as 20__ years ago, the earliest monograph of traditional chinesemedicine theory in china, huangdi neijing, summarized the previous treatmentexperience and medical theory. shen nong ben cao jing in qin and han dynastieswas the earliest monograph on pharmacology. zhang zhongjing, a famous doctor ineastern han dynasty, wrote treatise on febrile diseases, which laid thefoundation for the development of clinical medicine. later generations praisedthis book as the "ancestor of prescriptions". sun simiao, a doctor of the tangdynasty, wrote a book of prescriptions for thousands of gold, which is a greatcollection of prescriptions before the tang dynasty. the song dynasty paid moreattention to the education of traditional chinese medicine. the song governmentset up the "taiyi bureau", as the highest institution to cultivate talents oftraditional chinese medicine. li shizhen, a pharmacist in the ming dynasty,wrote compendium of materia medica, which made outstanding contributions to thedevelopment of chinese and world pharmacology. to sum up, we can see thattraditional chinese medicine is an important part of the splendid culture of thechinese nation, and the academic degree of traditional chinese medicine is veryimportant for thousands of years. it shows its own strong vitality, and togetherwith modern medicine, it constitutes the socialist health cause in china.

jiazhen street is located in taizhou new city, where the key projects areconcentrated and the infrastructure is improving day by day. jiaojiang bridge,taizhou central avenue, 82 provincial road and other backbone roads run throughit, including taizhou gymnasium, taizhou passenger transport center, jiaojiangcampus of taizhou university, taizhou branch of graduate school of zhejianguniversity, taizhou branch of graduate school of zhejiang university, jiazhenstreet jing cultural corridor, oriental sun city and other cultural and sportsfacilities are scattered, which will be the high-grade cultural plate of taizhouin the future, with strong humanistic atmosphere, and will play an extremelyimportant role in promoting the development of new taizhou in the future. howdoes the word "jia" come from? "jia" is the reed beside the water, and "wei" isthe depression beside the water. jiawei is located by the river and formed bythe alluvial of jiaojiang river. it used to be low-lying and full of got its name from this. it is mainly marine plain, accounting for morethan 80% of the total area there are advantages of mountains and seas, forming aunique natural environment. jiaji has a long history. it is said that zhao gou,king of kang, once stayed in jiaji in the southern song dynasty. up to now,there are still relics on the riverside facing jinqia mountain, an ancient townof zhang'an across the river. jiaji is located at the estuary of jiaojiangriver, with convenient transportation. as early as the ming and qing dynasties,jiaji was a famous coastal town in central zhejiang, where merchants gathered,people gathered, agriculture, fishing and business flourished. zhejiangfisheries school was once located in jiaji, where folk activities such assending off heatstroke were very characteristic. now many experts compare thedevelopment of jiaji with that of hong kong, because hong kong was also a smallfishing village. as an important part of jiaojiang, taizhou is striving to builda national health city, a national excellent tourism city and a nationalecological demonstration city.


taizhou is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of zhejiangprovince. taizhou has a long history, 5020___ there were ancestors living andreproducing here years ago. ouyue was in the pre qin period. in the qin dynasty,it belonged to minzhong county. on august 22, 1994, the state council approvedthe abolition of taizhou prefecture level and county level huangyan city andjiaojiang city, and the establishment of prefecture level taizhou prefecturelevel and county level jiaojiang district, huangyan district and luqiaodistrict. it has jurisdiction over jiaojiang, huangyan and luqiao districts,linhai and wenling cities, and yuhuan, tiantai, xianju and sanmen counties. themunicipal people's government is located in jiaojiang district.

taizhou is located in the central coastal area of zhejiang province,adjacent to the east china sea in the east, wenzhou in the south, lishui andjinhua in the west, shaoxing and ningbo in the north. the total land area is9411 square kilometers, and the territorial sea and inland water area is about6910 square kilometers. taizhou city has a unique geographical location, withmountains facing the sea and plains alternating with hills, forming a pattern of"seven mountains, one water and two fields".

taizhou is a big ocean city with vast ocean area and rich resources. thereare 6 counties (cities, districts) close to the sea and 695 islands with an areaof more than 5 square kilometers. the shallow sea area within the 10m isobath is4054.1 square kilometers, ranking first in zhejiang province. taizhou has 80000square kilometers of continental shelf area and 280 square kilometers of shallowsea beach for aquaculture, which is rich in fishery resources.

taizhou 20___ the annual gdp was 355.813 billion yuan, an increase of 6.5%over the previous year at comparable prices. among them, the added value of theprimary industry was 23.063 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4%; the added valueof the secondary industry was 157.341 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5%; theadded value of the tertiary industry was 175.409 billion yuan, an increase of10.1%.

taizhou is located in the central coastal area of zhejiang province,adjacent to the east china sea in the east, wenzhou in the south, lishui andjinhua in the west, shaoxing and ningbo in the north. the total land area is9411 square kilometers, and the territorial sea and inland water area is about6910 square kilometers. taizhou city has a unique geographical location, withmountains facing the sea and plains alternating with hills, forming a pattern of"seven mountains, one water and two fields". the terrain inclines from west toeast, with yandang mountain as the screen in the south. there are main peakssuch as kuocang mountain, dalei mountain and tiantai mountain. the main peak ofkuocang mountain, mishailang, is 1382.4 meters high, which is the highest peakin eastern zhejiang. jiaojiang river system flows from west to east into taizhoubay. in the coastal area, jiaobei plain and other three plains are the maingrain producing areas in taizhou. the coastline of the mainland is about 740 km,and there are 928 islands. the coastline of the islands is about 941 km, and theland area of the islands is about 273.76 square kilometers, mainly includingtaizhou islands and dongji islands. the largest island is yuhuan island, whichis now connected with the mainland, with a population of 5.69 million, of whichthe urban population is 1.52 million. the urban area is composed of jiaojiang,huangyan and luqiao districts, with jurisdiction over linhai and wenlingcounties and yuhuan, tiantai, xianju and sanmen counties.

taizhou is a big ocean city with vast ocean area and rich resources. thereare 6 counties (cities, districts) close to the sea and 695 islands with an areaof more than 5 square kilometers. the shallow sea area within the 10m isobath is4054.1 square kilometers, ranking first in zhejiang province. taizhou has 80000square kilometers of continental shelf area and 280 square kilometers of shallowsea beach for aquaculture, which is rich in fishery resources. pishan, dachenand maotou fishing grounds are connected to the north and the south. the threefishing grounds are rich in large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker,hairtail, pomfret, oyster, mackerel, eel, grouper and cuttlefish, as well asshrimp, swimming crab and a large number of shellfish. in addition totraditional seafood such as kelp and sinonovacula constricta, a large number ofgrouper, yellow croaker, red sea bream, black sea bream, abalone, perch, greencrab, eel and turtle are also cultivated in the shallow sea beach.

taizhou is a subtropical monsoon region with four distinct seasons. summeris controlled by tropical ocean air mass, hot and rainy, which is a tropicalclimate. winter is controlled by the polar continental air mass, the weather iswarm and cool, with subtropical climate characteristics. the average temperaturebelow 10 ℃ is winter, higher than 22 ℃ is summer, and between 10 ℃ and 22 ℃ isspring and autumn. summer begins in late may to early june and ends in lateseptember to early october, lasting about four months. winter starts from latenovember to early december and ends in late march, lasting for 3-4 begins from late september to early october and ends from late novemberto early december, lasting for more than two months. in spring, it begins inlate march in the northwest, starts in early and middle march in other places,and ends in late may to early june, two months respectively.


sun bin tourist city is located in songlou township, 20 kilometersnortheast of juancheng county, covering an area of 978 mu.

the original scenic spots of sun bin tourist city are yicheng temple, sunbin tomb, yangzuo tomb, jingke tomb, etc.

yicheng temple: in his later years, sun bin lived in seclusion insunhuayuan (0.5km to the south of the temple). the king of qi often sent peopleto visit him, and built a post city in the north of the village to accommodatehim. after sun bin died, he was buried in front of the post city and changed itinto "yi city". buddhism was introduced into juancheng in the wei and jindynasties. in 560, a temple was built in the old city of yicheng, which means"yicheng temple". beside the temple are the tombs of yangjiaoai, zuo botao andjingke, which are also called "yicheng temple". in 1558, the temple wasrebuilt,

according to the epitaph of rebuilding yicheng temple, the temple covers anarea of 400 mu and has five halls, including the great buddha hall, the sutrapavilion, the ancestral master hall, the jialan hall and the four heavenly kingshall, with more than 10000 buddha statues and more than 1000 monks. it wasrebuilt again in 1920x. the temple was demolished during the land reform in1946, and now there is only its site.

tomb of sun bin: sun bin returned to his hometown sun huayuan and wasburied in the north of the village after his death. in the ming dynasty, thetomb was buried in the yellow river. in 1990, on the east bank of xiangyangriver in the north of the village, a tombstone of yicheng temple rebuilt in the37th year of jiajing reign of the ming dynasty (1558) was unearthed, on whichwas engraved "bin's tomb site is deep". after multiple textual research byexperts, it is determined that sun bin's tomb site is here. the sun familyrebuilt a tomb with a diameter of 8 meters and a height of 5 meters. it wassurrounded by stones. there was a tree tablet in front of the tomb, a sealscript of "sun bin tomb", and a stone censer in front of the tomb. the cemeterycovers an area of 600 square meters, surrounded by a 1-meter-high brick wall and12 cypresses.

yangzuo tomb: the diameter of the seal is 3 meters, the height is 2 meters,and the structure of the chamber is unknown. in front of the tomb is thetombstone of zuo botaobiao, an ancient yishi in fan county, erected in 1820 stone is 170 cm high, 46 cm wide and 20 cm thick, with a square head and ahorn. there are no words in the yin of the tablet, but there are inscriptions inthe yang of the tablet, which record the time and process of erecting the tabletand the story of yang zuoquanjiao. it is said that during the warring statesperiod, yangjiaoai and zuo botao from the state of yan went to the state of chuto apply for jobs. when they arrived at juanyi, they suddenly met with rain andsnow, and their expenses were almost exhausted. only one person could botao gave yangjiaoai food and silver and asked him to go to the state ofchu. he stayed here to wait. yang went to the state of chu to become a , he went to juanyi to look for zuo botao, who died of cold and hunger in atree cave. yang then drew his sword to commit suicide and buried yang and zuotogether in a tomb. the story of yangzuoquanjiao has been widely spread amongthe people for thousands of years.

in october 1995, the foundation of sun bin tourist city was officiallystarted. now, the construction of the wall, undulating terrain, road hardening,part of greening and other basic supporting projects has been ng bridge and yuanrong lake have been built one after another. the mainworks of tianwang hall, yuantong hall, fangsheng pool and sun bin memorial hallhave been completed. the pharmacist hall is under construction.

yuanrong bridge: located at the entrance of the tourist city, lying on thexiangyang river, it is a reinforced concrete structure with a southwestnortheast trend, with a total length of 158 meters and a width of 12 meters.

yuanrong lake: located in the hinterland of the tourist city, it iscomposed of east and west water surfaces, connected by jade belt bridge,covering an area of 50 mu.

tianwang hall: five single eaves xieshan style antique buildings, 21 meterslong, 9 meters deep, 9 meters high, is one of the main works of yuanrongtemple.

yuantong hall: it is one of the main works of yuanrong temple, which is anantique building with five single eaves.

release pool: located in front of yuanrong temple, it is a semi-circularpool, covering an area of 300 square meters.

sun bin memorial hall: located in the west of the tourist city, the hall isa double eaves roof building, 30 meters in length and width, 20 meters inheight, with half arch eaves and green glazed tile roof. it is the main projectof sun bin memorial area.


hengshan, also known as nanyue, is one of the five mountains in china,located in nanyue district, hengyang city, hunan province. because the climateconditions are better than the other four mountains, there are luxuriant forestsand bamboos everywhere, green all the year round; exotic flowers and grasses,fragrant at four seasons, and beautiful natural scenery, so it is also known as"nanyue unique beauty". wei yuan of qing dynasty said in hengyue yin: "hengshanis like walking, daishan is like sitting, huashan is like standing, songshan islike lying, only nanyue is like flying." this is a compliment to hengshan.

in 1982, hengshan, as a famous natural and cultural landscape in china, wasapproved by the state council as one of the first batch of national scenic spotsin the name of hengshan scenic spot in hunan province. on august 1, 20__, nanyuehengshan mountain was approved as a national nature reserve by the statecouncil.

hengshan mountain is composed of 72 towering peaks, including yuelumountain in changsha and huiyan peak in hengyang. it is also known as "qingtian72 hibiscus". the first peak of nanyue is huiyan peak, the south gate ofhengyang city center. starting north from "the first peak of nanyue in theworld", you can drive along north zhengxiang road for more than an hour. you cansee dozens of graceful peaks like hibiscus before you and enter the scenic spotof nanyue.

there are also many places of interest, myths and legends in hengshanmountain, which has attracted all kinds of people in the past dynasties andformed a rich and colorful cultural deposit, just like a huge park with theharmony and unity of the vast humanities and landscape culture.

hunan nanyue hengshan scenic spot is a national aaaaa scenic spot. hengshanmountain is one of the five famous mountains in china. its main peak is locatedin hengyang city, hunan province. there are 72 peaks in hengyang city. it isfamous for its "unique five mountains", "holy land of religion", "olympiccivilization area" and "longevity mountain of china". now it is a national keyscenic spot, a national civilized scenic spot demonstration site and a nationalaaaaa tourist area.

hengshan is the religious and cultural center of southern china, and thebirthplace of chinese southern zen, tiantai sect, caodong sect, nanyue sect andqingyuan sect. the most famous taoist holy land in the south includes the thirdof the thirty-six taoist caves, zhuling cave, and the seventy-two taoisttemples, including jade altar, guangtian temple and donglingyuan.

in 1982, hengshan, as a famous natural landscape and cultural landscape inchina, was approved by the state council as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in the name of hengshan scenic spot; in 20__, it became one ofthe first batch of 4a tourist spots in china; in 20__, it won the honor of"national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" which is the top in chinaand the only one in hunan province; in february 20__, it was selected into thefirst batch of national natural and cultural heritage list; in 20__, it wasrated as one of the 50 places most worthy of foreigners to visit; in march 20__,it became one of the first batch of 5a scenic spots in china; on august 1, 20__,nanyue hengshan was approved by the state council as a national nature reserve;in 20__, it was rated as china's top ten most popular scenic spots.

hengshan starts from huiyan peak in hengyang city (the first peak of 72peaks in nanyue) in the south and ends at yuelu mountain in changsha (the tailpeak of hengshan mountain) in the north. it is composed of 72 towering peaks,also known as "seventy-two hibiscus in the blue sky". hengshan mountainstretches 800 li across eight cities and counties in hunan province, with 72peaks. among them, there are 43 peaks in nanyue district. huiyan peak, the firstpeak of hengshan mountain, is located in the center of hengyang city, withxiangjiang river in the east, hengzhou avenue in the south, south qiyang road inthe west and south zhongshan road in the north. starting from the "no.1 peak ofnanyue in the world" northward, driving along north zhengxiang road for onehour, you can see dozens of graceful peaks like hibiscus in front of you andenter the core scenic spot of hengshan mountain.


dear guests, dear friends, hello!

welcome to liupanshui, the capital of liangdu, china. i'm xiao wang, yourtour guide. today, i'm going to lead you on a pleasant tour to taste liupanshui,the capital of liangdu, china.

due to its unique climate, liupanshui has a suitable temperature in summer,with an average temperature of 19.7 ℃. it is cool, comfortable, fresh, moist andultraviolet

in 20__, it was awarded the title of liangdu of china by the chinesemeteorological society. it has become the first city named after climateresources in china. it is located in the west of guizhou. it is a cityconnecting sichuan, yunnan, guizhou and guangxi in the hinterland of wumeng. inthe summer of 19 ℃, 360's passion perfectly interprets the coolness andenthusiasm here. it's a wonderful and magnificent place; it's a city full ofvitality and colors, and it's a paradise with colorful national charm.

it's said that liupanshui is a city brought by train. now let's go to ourthird tier construction museum under the guidance of xiao wang. in 1966, pengdehuai took the post of commander-in-chief to guide the construction of thethird line. since then, great changes have taken place in liupanshui city. inorder to commemorate the great achievements of the third line construction, wehave built the only museum with the theme of the third line construction inchina. the museum collects a large number of representative production tools,living utensils, as well as a number of important historical documents andpictures during the third line construction period, and reproduces theproduction and living scenes at that time through miniature scenes. this willretain the memory of history and carry forward the three line spirit.

well, after we've had our eyes full, let's let xiao wang take us all to ourstomachs. out of the museum, we can just walk along the streets of the old cityand enjoy the local special snacks -- laocheng hot pot and shuicheng muttonpowder.

full of food, and then we along the time ropeway to enjoy the four seasonsof liupanshui!

in the spring of liupanshui, whether in yushe national forest park, huopuand yejiping in panxian county, or jiucaiping, which is known as the roof ofguizhou province, you can enjoy the vast rhododendrons in the here you can see the charming scenery of rhododendron yingri, rhododendroncorridor, rhododendron king, forest grass farm, mountain spring, etc. a thousandmountains stained with blood, love is better than fire, and the heart shines onthe sky.

the summer sun shines on the wumeng iron tower. when you come to thepeople's square, the first thing you see is the square themed sculpture wumengiron tower. standing 29.006 meters, the tower is designed and built according tothe height of jiucaiping, the highest peak in guizhou, which is reduced by 100times, symbolizing the top of guizhou. the tower body is inlaid with 104 piecesof black cast iron, which symbolizes the steel city and the coal sea. on thefour sides of the tower body, liangdu fu is engraved with zhen, cao, li andzhuan calligraphy respectively, recording the development and changes ofliupanshui, the liangdu city, and becoming a landmark building in liupanshuicity. after browsing the historical changes, let's experience the coolness ofthe wetland park. minghu wetland park is the main venue of the 8th guizhouprovincial tourism development conference and the first national wetland parkofficially awarded in guizhou province. among the green mountains and greenwaters, more than 1000 meters of ribbon rainbow bridge sways on the lake,interpreting the design concept of water dance steel city, giving people aleisurely and romantic feeling.

the coolness and passion of summer and autumn recede, while the happinessof winter remains unchanged. now let's go into yushe national forest park andenjoy the snow sports. there is the only alpine ski resort in guizhou, which hasthe lowest latitude among more than 200 ski resorts in china. the total area ofthe ski resort is 30000 square meters, and the length of the snow path is 500meters. it can receive 600 people at the same time. every year, from thebeginning of the snowfall to around march 9, tourists come here to experienceskiing in an endless stream. from a long distance, you can hear the constantlaughter of the ski resort.

in liupanshui, the capital of liangdu in china, the national and folkcultures represented by karst geological culture, ancient human culture,industrial culture and changjiaomiao culture in liuzhisuoga reflect each ancient yelang ruins, panxian dadong, danxia mountain buddhism, wumengprairie and other precious pearls are inlaid in the land of wumeng. liupanshui,the capital of liangdu in china, is full of its cool, waiting for us to sharethe same exploration and discovery, i hope this trip will leave you a goodmemory!


zhongshan zhan garden, also known as zhongshan mansion gate, is located inthe north platform of south district of zhongshan city. it is the largestprivate garden in lingnan at present. zhongshan zhan garden was built in 1998,covering an area of 100 mu. it was designed by huang yuanxin, the owner of zhangarden, and was built by 100 garden craftsmen from suzhou in five years. theoriginal intention of the garden is to build a quiet residence for her mother,which is elegant and exquisite. it is named zhan yuan after her mother'ssurname. later, the mother comforts her son's filial piety. in order to let allpeople in the world feel her son's filial piety, she suggests that the owneropen the garden to the outside world.

zhan garden is built on both sides of a river, which not only inherits thetradition of chinese classical private gardens, but also highlights the uniquelayout of lingnan water town. at the same time, it also absorbs the style ofwestern gardens. the water body and decoration are mostly geometric. the layoutof the garden is natural and unrestrained, with distinct layers. the buildingpays attention to site selection. the shape is concise, the color is clear andsimple, which constitutes a transparent, elegant, light and smooth lingnanstyle. whether it's ming and qing dynasty antiques, millennium potted plants,bell and milk stones, or leaky windows, plaques and screens, couplets andmurals, the garden owner carefully selects and decorates the garden. it'sgenerous and sincere.

in addition to the magnificent and elegant architecture, magnificentflowers and trees, exquisite and elegant tea art, zhan garden also has a varietyof dazzling artistic performances.

drama: according to the classic story of twenty filial piety, differentversions of filial piety stories are arranged, such as ancient costume, modern,funny and so on. through teaching and entertainment, you can understand thephilosophy of life.

face changing is a unique chinese art. the red, yellow, blue, white andblack faces of the king of face changing are clear in front of us when we can'tsee each other.

acrobatics - the young actors are extraordinary, soft as boneless,beautiful in shape, soul stirring and eye-catching.

song and dance: all kinds of folk dances make you enjoy yourself, andancient musical instruments and chime bells are also in your ears. in theleisure time of famous garden, you can

appreciate the elegance of huang zhong da lu and folk music minor.

zhanyuan is located in beitai village, south district of zhongshan city,next to national highway 105, covering an area of 100 mu. it is spanided intothree areas: zhanyuan birthday, qijiang corridor bridge and zhanfu zhongfu;taking the opportunity to pay homage to the old lady of the zhan family, we canlearn about their daily life and reveal the secret of happiness and longevity bycommunicating and comparing with the characters of the zhan family; we can get asublimation of emotional journey through personal experience and perception.

zhan garden takes lingnan characteristics as the keynote, integrates theessence of chinese classical gardens, emphasizes the layout of lingnan watertown, and absorbs the style of western gardens. the water body and decorationare mostly geometric; the garden is natural and unrestrained, with distinctlayers. the buildings attach importance to site selection, concise modeling,bright colors, and simple decoration, which constitute a transparent, elegant,light and bright lingnan style. most of the materials are folk antiques, whichhave been polished and renovated, and are full of historical traces.

zhanfu birthday district: gather acrobatic skills at all times and in allover the world to create a strong folk affection. the tourists came now singing,now dancing, singing and dancing, and the saints were giving gifts to celebratethe birthday, with he shoudian and xi man chan garden; many girls wereembroidering the birthday characters with the same needle, and kinoue kaki, andthe flowers were distilled in a stove, and the aroma was wrapped around thetourists. after steaming and bathing, mrs. zhan's face was red and beaming withjoy. she distributed birthday candy to tourists and enjoyed zhan yuan opera withthem.

qijiang langqiao district: one river connects the two banks, and thelangqiao has many dreams. river shepherd buffalo, huanyi gauze female, ospreybamboo, taigong fishing. zhan garden is surrounded by water inside and are many bridges and boats. the corridor pavilion beside the bridge isinterspersed with zhongshan folk custom, singing with weishui woodcutter underthe bridge, which is very lively. every day there are lightboat cruise andhuaweidu cruise in qijiang river, so tourists can enjoy the scenery of qijiangriver and zhan garden by boat. they can also paddle in the inland river to blendinto the beautiful scenery of zhan garden.


