
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-04-04 12:59:06
時(shí)間:2023-04-04 12:59:06     小編:zdfb



























dear friends, have you ever heard that sand can sing? xiangshawan, which isnamed because sand can sing, is located on the west bank of hantaichuan in theeast end of kubuqi desert in dalate banner, ordos city. guziliang on the eastbank faces it. a cableway flies in between, forming a unique landscape of deserttourism. xiangshawan tourist area is a national 4a tourist area. now it isapplying for 5a tourist area. xiangsha, mongolian for brymanha, means "sand dunewith trumpet". xiangshawan is one of the three largest resounding sands inchina. the sand is 110 meters high and 400 meters wide. the slope of the sand isabout 50 degrees. the sand dunes are crescent shaped. when the sand is dry, whenit slides down from the top of the sand dune, the sand will make a sound, whichis as light as a frog's "quack" and as heavy as an airplane's roar, so it iscalled "xiangshawan". xiangshawan was opened as a tourist spot in 1984. after 20years of construction and development, we have developed a variety of desertentertainment projects, such as desert cableway, sand slide, sand slide board,desert kart, desert motorcycle, desert surfer, desert paraglider, horse riding,camel riding, etc.

in addition, here, you can enjoy the large-scale folk song and dance "erdoswedding" with unique erdos mongolian characteristics. there are many beautifullegends about the origin of xiangsha, but most of them are related to tibetanbuddhist temples. it is said that there used to be a lama temple in xiangshawan,where many lamas lived. one day, the little lama refused to accept themanagement of the big lama, made trouble, and encouraged the lama to plan arebellion. at this time, the immortal zhang guo, who was travelling all over theworld, rode by on his donkey. he was very angry when he heard the lamas making alot of noise. he thought to himself: if he didn't devote himself to buddhism,when would he get the right result?

in his anger, he scattered the sand in his shoes over the lama temple. inthe twinkling of an eye, the resplendent lama temple is covered by the desert,and the lamas and the evil lamas are all buried under the yellow sand. however,lamas are buddhist disciples after all. they are not dead, so they often chantsutras and blow trumpets below, so that the sand will make a sound. in recentyears, many experts are studying the sound of sand.

some people think that the sound of the sand is due to the dry climate andlong-term sunlight. it is the sand particles with static electricity that makethe sound of discharge when they encounter external forces. others think that itis the evaporation of water that forms a steam wall, which just forms a natural"resonance box" with the crescent shaped sand dunes facing the sun; others thinkthat the sound of sand is related to the structure of sand grains. there aredifferent opinions about the cause of xiangsha bay, which is still a gives xiangsha bay more magical charm. there is a poet in the tourismindustry who loves xiangshawan very much. he recites the feeling of visitingxiangshawan many times into the following moving poem: for one or two years, hehas heard a lot about xiangshawan, and the scenery of the desert is reallyspectacular. the boundless yellow sand holds the sky. the vast sea is full ofwaves, several lines of footprints lead to the summit, and the sands are longand towering; a camel's bell rings around the sand bay; when you step on thesand, you are not afraid of the hot feet, and the wanderers stand in love, andthe summit is like a barefoot fairy. eagles fly and circle. even if the sanddoesn't sound after the rain, it's still better to smile at the nature. revisitxiangshawan xiangshawan, vast sea, different scenery, river two ends, sand slopeup and down people. visitors like weaving, amusement when enjoy, landscapezhuang shenzhou. wandering is better than hesitation! the blue sky cages theyellow sand. when you come back, you are happy to go to the wedding banquet, andthe desert is full of peaks and hills. eat the goat's back and drink the weddingwine; the blue sky is flying with a red umbrella, the string song is pleasant,the sincerity is strong, and the flying people are moving. the dance is moreenjoyable.

ropeway flying frame, customs really strange, natural moat into athoroughfare. the people are so simple. hunchback, skateboard, a generation ofproud children and grandchildren - listen to the sound of sand - whine. erdosmongolian people! these poems are really picturesque, sentimental and exoticmusic. they skillfully combine the natural landscape, cultural landscape andnatural folk customs of xiangsha bay into a fascinating dynamic picture andsymphony.

my friends, isn't the magic xiangsha bay the place you are sentimentallyattached to?

[extended reading]

introduction to xiangsha bay

xiangshawan was opened up as a tourist attraction in january 1984, listedas a national line scenic spot by the national tourism administration in 1991,turned into a private joint-stock enterprise in 1999, and rated as a national 4ascenic spot by the national tourism administration in 20__. what's more proud isthat xiangshawan was rated as a national 5a scenic spot in january 20__, whichis a super large comprehensive desert leisure landscape integrating sightseeingand leisure district.

xiangshawan, the first desert resort in china, is a super largecomprehensive desert leisure scenic spot integrating sightseeing and leisure. itis located at the easternmost end of china's famous kubuqi desert. it is thenearest desert resort in china to the mainland and beijing. it is a nationalaaaaa scenic spot and a national cultural industry demonstration base. it hasthe longest camel team in the world - more than 500 peaks.




























































in ordos, inner mongolia, there is a famous tourist attraction, which isyinken xiangsha, commonly known as xiangsha bay.

it is located in the south of dalate banner, the east end of kubuqi desert,50 kilometers away from baotou city, the steel city of grassland in thenorth.

people often say that "erdos people are good at singing and dancing", andeven sand can sing. isn't it a bit magical? now let's go into the mysterioussand to appreciate the charm behind its mysterious veil.

yinken xiangsha ranks first among all xiangsha in china and is known as the"king of xiangsha".

yinken is mongolian, which means "forever" in chinese.

xiangshawan sand is 110 meters high and 400 meters wide. it is close to therolling sand dunes, facing the dachuan, leeward to the sunny slope. the terrainis crescent shaped, with a slope of 45 degrees, forming a huge echo wall of sanddunes.

when the sand is dry, visitors climb up the rope ladder or take a cable carto the top of yinken sand dune and slide down. the sand dune will make a roaringsound, which is as light as a frog's "quack", as heavy as a car or plane's roar,as thunderous as thunder, and more like an exciting symphony. the sound of sandis exciting and interesting, so they make a concerted effort to move from thesand mountain more than 100 meters high people can't help but wonder that thesand here can sing?!

when we stand at the height of the sand dunes, we can see the rolling sanddunes in the vast desert, like golden waves, which is very spectacular.

this is kubuqi desert, one of the three major deserts in inner mongolia,with a total area of 16000 square kilometers. kubuqi is mongolian, and chinesemeans "bow string". if we compare kubuqi desert to a curved bow, then yinkenxiangsha (xiangsha bay) under our feet is the "bow string".

this sand dune rising from the flat land is undulating with beautifulcurves in the sunshine, just like a beautiful woman lying on her side, enjoyingthe tranquility given by nature in the vast desert. countless kinds of legendsare integrated into the sand songs, no matter "mingsha", "xiangsha", "shaosha"or modern "songsha" and "lesha" and so on.

there are many legends about yinken xiangsha, but most of them are relatedto tibetan buddhist temples.

one of the legends is that 500 lamas are playing music in the ly, a strong wind blows up and the temple is buried by flying sand androcks.

the second legend is that old zhang guo, one of the eight immortals,accidentally opened his mouth on a donkey carrying a sand bag, and the sandburied a temple here overnight.

the sound of singing sand heard by people sliding in the sand is like thesound of lamas playing music and chanting sutras underground. the universalityof this legend represents the cultural effect of the local mongoliangathering.

it is said that there is a temple called "yinkenzhao" buried under thesand. is there really such a temple? this is a mystery.

tourists can enjoy mongolian songs and dances during their tour in yinkenxiangsha, and feel the close relationship between national religion, nationalculture and natural landscape.

so, why does the sand ring? so far, it is still an unsolvable mystery tothe world, and it is precisely because of this mystery that it is endowedwith

the magic charm of xiangsha bay has attracted many tourists from home andabroad.

although the legend is beautiful, it can't solve the mystery of recent years, many domestic scholars have put forward "terrain theory","resonance box principle", "electrostatic theory" and so on, trying to explainthe cause of xiangsha scientifically.

for tourists, the closeness between novelty hunting and nature, as well asthe appreciation are essential mood. for the desert, as long as you feel withyour heart, you can find the beauty of the deep sand sea, the vast sand desert,the clear sky, the scorching sun, the pure sand, no rocks or dust, the shapes ofsand dunes are different.

you can walk in sand socks or take a camel into the deep desert, worshipoboo and watch the sand lake, and experience the tranquility and broadnessbrought by the vast desert. you can also step on sand sledge, skateboard, or sitdown to slide down the sand mountain, listening to the sound of sand whileenjoying the ease and worry of rejuvenation; or drive a go kart, ride a horse,ride a sheep cart under the sand mountain, and be a modern shepherd, not tomention funny.

watch the sunrise in the desert, enjoy the sunset in the desert, explore inthe desert, light a desert bonfire, watch sand sculptures, or target, shootarrows, parachute jump in the desert, or even roll and climb in the sand sea ithas become a paradise for people to return to their original simplicity.

xiangsha desert is dreamy and picturesque. it is sparkling in the morningand colorful. it is beautiful in the setting sun.

stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and feel the warmth thatmakes the soul peaceful.


