最新哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章(10篇)

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最新哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章(10篇)
時(shí)間:2023-04-12 19:41:04     小編:zdfb


哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇一

the yellow crane tower has been praised by chinese poets of all ages, andhas always enjoyed the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world". togetherwith yueyang tower in hunan province and tengwang pavilion in jiangxi province,it is known as "three famous buildings in the south of the yangtze river". withits long history and magnificent posture, it ranks first in the third floor andenjoys the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world".

as we all know, there are many kinds of cranes in nature, including whitecrane, grey crane, red crowned crane, black necked crane and so on, but there isno yellow crane. so why do people in wuhan call the landmark building of theirhometown yellow crane tower? this beautiful name comes from a beautifulmyth.

once upon a time, there was a man named xin who was selling wine on the topof huanghu mountain. one day, an old man in ragged clothes came to him and askedhim for drinks. although his business was small and profitable, he was faithful,kind and charitable. seeing that lao dao was very pitiful, he generously having enough to eat and drink, lao dao was very grateful to xin. later,lao dao would come every day, and hsin would answer every request. a year passedunconsciously. one day, lao dao came to the hotel again. as soon as xin saw him,he quickly prepared food and wine for lao dao. lao dao quickly stopped him andsaid, "i don't drink today. i'm here to say goodbye to you.". he said thatdrinking every day, no thanks, but i will draw, i will draw a picture for yourhotel as a souvenir. after that, lao dao picked up the orange peel on the groundand drew it on the wall. in a short time, he drew a crane. because the color ofthe orange peel is yellow, the crane is also yellow. after the painting, lao daosaid to xin: as long as you clap your hands, the yellow crane will come down anddance for the drinkers.

as soon as xin heard this, he was very happy. he immediately went to seethe crane painted by lao dao. he thought it was lifelike and very beautiful. heturned to thank lao dao for drawing such a good picture for his hotel, but laodao had disappeared. the next day, a guest came to the hotel. he thought of theold taoist's words and clapped his hands for a try. sure enough, the yellowcrane jumped down, sang and danced, and then jumped back to the wall. the guestwas very happy. after the news spread, people and tourists from three towns inwuhan came to the store to watch the yellow crane dance. since then, the hotelbusiness flourished, and xin's got rich.

one day ten years later, lao dao appeared in the hotel again. when she sawhim, she was very happy. she took lao dao and said, "when you've been there forten years, i'll inquire about your whereabouts and find out where you are. todayyou are back, please don't leave again. after xin's speech, lao dao said to xin:i wonder if you have paid off my wine debt with the money you have earned in thepast ten years? xin said in a hurry: thank you very much. with the help of theyellow crane you left behind, i am very rich now. on hearing this, the taoistpriest laughed, took off his flute and played a wonderful tune to the yellowcrane on the wall. the yellow crane began to sing and dance with the flute. atthe end of the song, the old taoist stepped on the yellow crane. the yellowcrane flew away with the old taoist. since then, the old taoist never cameback.

people in the three towns of wuhan miss this crane, which brings themhappiness and auspiciousness. they suggest that xin build a pavilion beside thehotel to honor laodao and huanghe. at the same time, it also guides the oldtaoist and yellow crane who travel all over the world. i hope they will comeback soon. xin accepted everyone's advice and took out the money he hadaccumulated for many years to build a high-rise building next to the hotel. hefelt that the yellow crane helped him get rich, so he named it the yellow cranetower. for thousands of years, this story has been widely spread, and has becomethe most influential legend of the yellow crane tower.

the yellow crane tower was first built in 223 a.d. in the second year of wuhuangwu in the three kingdoms. it has a history of more than 1700 years, duringwhich it has been destroyed and built repeatedly. this is because the yellowcrane tower is no longer a scenic building in the general sense, it reflects therise and fall of an era. since the yellow crane tower was destroyed in 1884,people have been looking forward to its reappearance in jiangcheng, but theyhave not been able to do so. it was not until after the reform and opening upthat the yellow crane tower was rebuilt, which fully reflects the improvement ofchina's comprehensive national strength. the yellow crane tower we are visitingtoday is based on the yellow crane tower of the qing dynasty. constructionstarted in 1981 and was completed in 1984. it is 100 years since the last yellowcrane tower was destroyed.

the snake mountain, where the yellow crane tower is located, is composed ofseven mountains arranged from east to west and connected end to end. from westto east, there are huanghu mountain, yinjia mountain, huanglong mountain,gaoguan mountain, daguan mountain, qipan mountain and xishan mountain, with atotal length of more than 20__ meters. it is named snake mountain because it issimilar to crouching snake. the yellow crane tower is built on the top ofhuanghu mountain. in ancient chinese, the two words "hu" and "he" are common, soit is also called huanghe mountain. the pavilion on huanghe mountain is ofcourse called huanghe tower. but people are more willing to accept the legend ofimmortals.

in order to make you enjoy the yellow crane tower better, i use five wordsto summarize the characteristics of the yellow crane tower: high, strange,dangerous, beautiful and wonderful. it is high in the mountains, high buildingsare higher, and the sky is pierced by clouds and clouds; it is strange that thegods cross the crane, and the myth spreads; it is dangerous to stand near theriver, and there is no land under it; it is beautiful to climb the tower andoverlook the scenery of wuhan; it is wonderful that the literati and theanecdotes spread.

ok, now we have come to the yellow crane tower park. yellow crane towerpark is composed of main building, pavilions, porches, memorial archways andgushi commercial street. the main building has a clear height of 51.4 meters andfive floors. it is square in shape and looks like one. each side is 35 meterslong, with 72 columns rising from the ground and 60 cornices flying in the takes advantage of the length of the calendar tower to gather the beauty ofthe north and the south. the golden colored glazed roof is simple and beautiful,and the red gourd shaped top glitters at night. each layer has a strong poeticflavor. now let's go into the main building to have a look.

we are now in the hall on the first floor of the yellow crane tower. thehall is 22 meters wide and 14 meters long. look at these antique pillars, whichhave a circumference of two meters. they go straight to the top floor, which canbe said to be the optimus prime of the whole building. this "picture of whiteclouds and yellow cranes" is 9 meters high and 6 meters wide. on the picture,the yellow crane tower stands in the middle, with a fairy riding on the yellowcrane and an iron flute blowing on the top, and people singing and dancingbelow. the whole picture is full of romantic and magical atmosphere. on bothsides of the painting, there is a couplet of zhang zhidong, an importantminister of the late qing dynasty

cool air from the west

the river goes to the east and the waves wash away the worries of the pastand the present

after the famous couplet in the hall, there is a huge carved screen, whichis painted with the shape of the yellow crane tower in history. it is highlyskilled and antique, which can be called a fine art.

ok, please follow me up. our current location is not the second floor, butthe mezzanine between the first floor and the second floor, commonly known asthe horse racing gallery. there are such horse racing corridors between everytwo floors. you can calculate that the yellow crane tower originally has fivefloors. in addition, the horse racing corridor between every two floors has atotal of nine floors inside. therefore, the yellow crane tower has a buildingstructure of five floors outside and nine floors inside. here are somehistorical celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. you can enjoy them.

as you can see, there are six models of yellow crane tower in tang, song,yuan, ming, qing dynasties and modern times on the second floor. they eachrepresent the architectural styles of their own times. you see, the yellow cranetower of the tang dynasty is connected with the city on the first floor and hasonly two floors on the outside. the overall structure is simple and rough,giving people a sense of simplicity and vigor. take another look at the songdynasty building, which is composed of four parts: building, terrace, porch andcorridor. each floor has a double eaves, which shows the delicate and meaningfulartistic style of the song dynasty. the form of the yuan dynasty continued thestyle of the song dynasty, while the ming dynasty was still two-tier.

if you look at it again, there are some cloth awnings and other things. doyou know what they are for? yes, they are the umbrellas used by people inancient times. look at the yellow crane tower in the qing dynasty. it has threefloors. the first floor has 12 eaves, representing 12 hours of a day. the secondfloor has 12 eaves, representing 12 months of a year. the third floor has 24eaves, representing 24 solar terms of a year. the most amazing thing about it isthat it can integrate the traditional chinese astronomy and calendar unately, it was destroyed by thunder and fire in the summer of 1884, thatis, the 10th year of guangxu reign of the qing dynasty. the last one is now theyellow crane tower. it is based on the yellow crane tower of the qing was rebuilt in 1984. it not only has the unique traditional shape of theyellow crane tower, but also is more magnificent than the buildings of previousdynasties.

please hold the stairs and follow me to the third floor. here is a ceramicpainting called "the quintessence of literati". the figures in the picture havedifferent and lifelike expressions, which reproduces the scenes of the literaticoming here to chant poems and fu. you see, the yellow robe in the middle is cuihao, the great poet of tang dynasty. it is said that one year, cui hao came tothe yellow crane tower and wrote an impromptu poem after his visit

once upon a time, people had gone by the yellow crane, but there was noyellow crane tower left here.

once the yellow crane is gone, it will never return.

qingchuan experienced hanyang tree, grass luxuriant parrot island.

where is the hometown at dusk? the yanbo river is worrying.

this poem has a wonderful artistic conception and is a rare poem describingthe yellow crane tower. however, there are many famous poets in tang dynasty,and cui hao is not well-known. therefore, although his poems are good, no oneappreciates them. another year, the poet li bai came to the yellow crane local people were very happy to see the poet come here, and asked li bai towrite a poem for the yellow crane tower. after visiting, li bai felt that thelegend of yellow crane tower was strange and the scenery was beautiful, so hemade great progress in poetry and agreed to write poems. people are ready tostudy four treasures, li bai dipped in thick ink, hold his breath, to write, butat this time, he looked up, saw cui hao's poem on the wall, he was stunned onthe spot, shook his head, stopped writing. the onlookers did not know why. theyasked why. li bai sighed and chanted a doggerel

one blow smashes the yellow crane tower and one kick overturns the parrotisland.

in front of me, there is a scene. cui hao wrote a poem on it!

after chanting, he left. as a result of li bai's praise, cui hao's poemsare well-known, and the yellow crane tower is also spread around with cui hao'spoems.

the fourth floor is the cultural activity place of the yellow crane tower,displaying the impromptu works of famous contemporary calligraphers and paintersvisiting the building. there are also four treasures of the study speciallyprepared here. if any tourists are interested, they might as well show theirskills here.

now we come to the viewing platform on the fifth floor of the yellow cranetower. the first picture we see here is a group of paintings called "thevastness of the river and the sky", which covers an area of 90 square meters andis the largest among the murals in the whole building. it consists of 10 colorpaintings. the three on the front wall are the center of the group of first one records the process of the ancient yangtze river culture from topto bottom. the second is the water waves depicted with gold lines on the stonegreen background, occupying the whole picture. it seems that people stand on across section of the yangtze river and feel the waves rushing eastward. thethird one reflects the process of the yellow crane tower's emergence, rise andfall after the three kingdoms period. the other seven, painted on the e fang,are: the source of the yangtze river, the waterfalls in the upper reaches, thescenery of the three gorges, the wonders of lushan, the scenery of taihu lake,the river flowing into the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea.

now let's go to the west and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the three townsin wuhan. in front of you are the yangtze river rolling eastward and the yangtzeriver bridge which makes the natural moat a thoroughfare. in front of you arethe towering tv tower on guishan mountain, the magnificent qingchuan hotel, suchas the qingchuan bridge across the river with rainbow the yellow crane tower,like an old man, sits firmly on the top of the snake mountain, witnessing thevicissitudes of wuhan's history and changing today, and looking forward to theprosperous future with expectation.

well, the tour of yellow crane tower is coming to an end. i hope myexplanation can leave you a good memory. please forgive me for the e to jiangcheng next time and come here. i wish you a pleasant journey anda pleasant journey!

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇二

the humble administrator's garden in suzhou in jiangsu lou door. is one of the four great ancient gardens in suzhou. early as the tang dynasty poet liu guimeng house, yuan for the macro temple. mingzhengde years with empire wang xianchen resign home, buy temple, transformed into home garden, pan yue, and borrow the jin dynasty "heir ju fu" : "...... and this is compensated with the force of the government "semantics, take" compensated "2 words for yuanming. in 1860 ~ 1863 was part of the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong wang fu. opening to the outside world in 1954.

humble administrator's garden, garden, east park, west park in three parts.

east park and mountain pool, adorned with shu incense pavilion, lanxuetang construction, etc. western water circuitous, compact layout, mountain built pavilions, main architecture of the mandarin duck hall was the garden owner treating guests and listen to music, display hall. sunny day by indoor looking at outside through the blue glass window scenery is like a piece of snow. garden "sit with who xuan" is fan pavilion, sector on both sides of the real open two fan empty window on the wall, one of the "mandarin duck hall", and then the window and just reflected in the aspects of mountain

dai li kiosks, into the mountain, and dai li pavilion of exactly match into a complete fan. "sit with who, the bright moon, the wind, i", so the sight of plaques, will think of su dongpo, and immediately felt here can enjoy the water of the month, is affected by the wind of the great.

in the humble administrator's garden is the best part of the overall layout for the center with pool, pavilions are built by the water, some tingxie is straight out of the water, has the characteristic of jiangnan. body building hong tong in south bank pool, on the other side of the pool and observe things two mountain island, the water clear, broad mind lotus, tree-lined everywhere on the island, mountain water bank vines mixed and disorganized, two mountain valleys

panel has a little bridge, mountain to build a pavilion on the island, west of snow yunweiting, east to be frost pavilion, the four seasons scenery because of time inconsistency. far to the west of hong tong's "lean on jade xuan" with the west ship matter form "xiangzhou", is relatively and both its northern "dutch wind all pavilion" into the potential of the tripartite confrontation, can with the potential of the reward. lean on jade porch west of a southern song deep water bay in the house, there are three shuige "small" blue waves, the north of it covered bridges "small flying" disjunctive space, form a quiet water, and xiangzhou bay is located in the monohydrate on both sides of the mouth. the layout of the humble administrator's garden in the garden on lotus pond, far hong tong as its main body construction, two islands as its main feature in the pool, and other buildings are mostly over the water surface

to far hong tong, from the point of building names,

most associated with lotus. wang xianchen are touted to lotus, mainly to express his exclusive group of noble character. this garden is given priority to with water, the water accounts for three 5 of buildings by the water, keep the clear and the landscape of of primitive simplicity style of ming dynasty, is the representative works of the jiangnan gardens in our country. on december 4, 1997, included in the "world heritage list".

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇三


everybody is good! i am forbidden city tourism yanjian you can call me xiaoyan tour guide, i want to go with you today beijing famous scenic spots: the forbidden city. we went there today: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and baohe palace.


i mainly introduce the palace first: beijing's forbidden city, is one of the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex, is the highest level of ancient chinese architecture. beijing the imperial palace, the ming dynasty yongle four years (1406), was built in the eighteenth year (1420), is the imperial palace during the ming and qing dynasties, the timely according to the forbidden city, beginning in 1925, according to the forbidden city. ancestor cheng, beijing from 1421 to 1911 revolution to overthrow the qing government, the last emperor pu yi out of the palace, to end the rule of feudal dynasty in chinese history, the palace has been the ruling class of the political and cultural center of china, has experienced the 24 emperors.


the palace museum covers an area of 720xx0 square meters, construction area of 150000 square meters, the existing buildings of more than 980, have house more than 8700, around the forbidden city around 10 meters high walls, and there are more than 50 meters wide moat. the middle of the ming and qing dynasties imperial palace was built in the city, to the north and the south central axis, faces south, which fully reflect the supreme imperial power of the feudal rule, outside the forbidden city is emperor city, outside the imperial city and beijing city, the city surrounded by city, shows the guarded hierarchy.


in history, the forbidden city has repeatedly reconstruction for fire and other reasons, but the basic pattern has not changed, the entire palace after the building is spanided into north and south power at the two parts. power with taihe, neutralization, and three main halls, are the three main halls in the forbidden city's tallest building, it is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power. back to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility of delivery as the center, around something natural to wing, is the emperor, empress, wives, princess lived. power after the katyn, clear-cut, cannot overstep casually, embodies the ancient chinese traditional hierarchical, both inside and outside have other ethics. craftsman will such a large scale of chinese architecture planning in order to use heavy doors and courtyard to the imperial palace and orderly combination into the magnificent buildings.


the forbidden city planning and construction of the ming and qing dynasty, not only inherited the tradition of ancient chinese architecture, the development and innovation, is the ancient chinese culture and the achievements of the ancient chinese architectural art. its indoor and outdoor architectural space combination, the collocation of cubic construction size, the use of materials, the sketch of the display, decoration, the choice of the color are reached the high level, the exciting art effect.

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇四

good morning ladies and gentlemen,i am your guide. i will do everything possible to make proper arrangements for you, so that the tourism activities can make you feel happy.

east lake scenic area is in the eastern part of wuchang district of wuhan is one of the first batch一批 of state-level scenic spots, the lake is about 33 square kilometers, is six times larger than the hangzhou west lake, east lake is t vast, beautiful .do you know how the east lake is formed?

in 1949 several former east lake basically still a shortage lake, from the 1950s to a large-scale construction, according to the natural environment, east lake can be spanided into tablets, geese, white horse白馬風(fēng)景區(qū), bangmoshan磨山, flute player, luo hong six scenic areas, but only now opening to the outside world bangmoshan purse and the two scenic areas.

follow me,please, we have entered a purse scenic areas, we are now in a place where it is called huang li wan,.

pay attention to that the side of those is referred to as living fossils of the ancient times. continue east, we went to a purse-and purse-xuan there are around tsui chuk, cangsong, in welcoming the stone revetment lake, we can see embedded dongpo reading "songpa"松坡 qingshi word slope, above a stone several green jinsong, stand upright in a steep rock shore, the scenery here add some nuances. the ramps in the opposite tablets menuhin is shuiyun township.

through interest bridge, we can see that this three-tiered green cylinder of the pavilion, which is the center of instrumentation clusters - roaming court. it is to commemorate the warring states period, the patriotic poet qu yuan’s famous built, said qu yuan, one of the world’s four major cultural celebrities. to the people of wuhan commemoration of this great poet, he built specifically for this worship court, southeast court is reinforced concrete wood structure, 22.5 meters high, is a flat square. before we look at this shrine court statue-as high as 6.8 meters, the performance of a statue of qu yuan raised depending days, very wishing to visit yin

"heaven" the demeanor, expressed grief and indignation after the poet was exiled to the feelings of depression, and "wandering

corner" is the name from "songs of the south. fisherman " in "qu yuan is caving, in jiang yu tan, roaming the banks of ze." we toured the southeast pavilion end center devoted to the

banks of ze, shun road forward, the 24 east lake is one of the king "’s." here is the main center for the long days of floor area. east lake is known to rich freshwater fish, which went wuchang fish most luxurious, though this is only a small fish, it was really a lot of

allusions. and after the liberation, chairman mao often came to visit wuhan, mostly living in the east lake scenic area, he was in the then tablets restaurant after wuchang fish, and in 1956 his "stream. swim "also left a" changsha only drink water, potable wuchang fish "famous.

we will move forward, long days will leapfrog into the front floor. this is a retention characteristics of the chinese national palace-style building, mao zedong, zhou enlai, and other

revolutionaries of the older generation have repeatedly rest here, received international friends. standing long days upstairs, railing overlooking, bibo million dumping, and you will have "long tianyi chaplain color," laments? in fact, long days floor is the name of this can be accomplished.

in the long days it is the right side of the floor, lu xun’s square, lu xun bust破產(chǎn),蕭條 in cangsong cuibai the dragon palace seemed to be especially under the solemn silence, it is a tribute arose spontaneously. i wonder if you noticed not, we just toured the shrine court in a purse scenic areas of the south, and this is the lu xun’s square in the scenic north tablets. one is to commemorate the great patriotic愛國(guó)的 poet qu yuan, and the other is the commemoration of the new culture movement pioneer in the south and the north, chimed in, it is a day to make.

well ladies and gentlemen, here we go, now along the path to return to, so we once again enjoy the picturesque beauty of the donghu it.

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇五

today, my mother and i came to yichang.

first of all, we live in the longquan mountain villa. the scenery here is good, is across the yangtze river and the lower laoxi, xiling gorge.

the next day, we went to the gezhouba dam. let me introduce the yangtze river gezhouba: yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy hub project, is the first river in our country, the first large scale hydropower projects built on the yangtze river. the project and its permanent equipment all by our design, construction, manufacturing and installation.

the gezhouba project is located in the yangtze river three gorges export, in yichang, hubei province. after the yangtze river the three gorges ends at nanjinguan, suddenly open, river by broadening abruptly three hundred meters to three hundred meters. the gezhouba and by the river on the river xiba two island is spanided into three shares, from right to left, referred to as the great river, jiang and the sanjiang, respectively. great river is the main channel of the yangtze river, navigable all the year round, two jiang and the sanjiang only in the flood water. gezhouba water conservancy hub is built in which.

the gezhouba project is mainly composed of locks, power plants and discharging sluices, sluice and the water retaining structure.

dam, the dam, 47 meters high total length of 2595 meters, control river basin area of 100 square kilometers, the total capacity of 1.58 billion cubic meters. excavation backfilling conditions of 111.3 million cubic meters, the whole project of eleven million one hundred and thirty thousand cubic meters of concrete, the installation of metal structure of 77500 tons.

the gezhouba project building three locks in the three rivers and river, in one way through capacity of 20 million tons recently, forward is up to 50 million tons. 2, no. 3 shiplock head bay bridge set activity. crest road and rail. in rivers and two each a massive runoff hydropower station, a total of 21 sets, total capacity of 2.71 million kilowatts, the average annual output of 14.1 billion degrees. a discharge sluice in two massive, three rivers and river each building a sluice, all open, is safe to vent in the history of the yangtze river flood largest 110000 cubic.

gezhouba dam construction in two phases.

first phase of the gezhouba water conservancy construction in the three rivers and two river. one phase of the project includes two river power plant, discharge sluice and sanjiang 2, 3 two locks, sluice and so on five big buildings and other water retaining structure.

yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy construction, not only for industrial and agricultural production to provide strong power in central china, and effectively improve familiar gorge channel, at the same time for the construction of the yangtze river three gorges water conservancy hub project, china's largest accumulation of test, improve technology, training team.

on the third day, we visited the world's largest water conservancy hub project, the three gorges.

the three gorges project mainly include blocking river dam, hydropower station, such as lock composed of three parts.

we went to visit the yangtze river three gorges project target figure and original geomorphological map to recognize the three gorges dam site of three gorges project being built at zhongbaodao island as "hard granite rock mass", is the most ideal to build the dam dam site.

and i looked at the three gorges project night scene graph, the three gorges of the night view is very beautiful!

we really great, even the waves of the yangtze river can be under control.

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇六

hello, everyone! i'm very glad to accompany you to visit the yellow cranetower, a famous building in the south of the yangtze river. i will do my best toprovide you with a comprehensive and considerate tour guide service. i wish youall have a good time.

the yellow crane tower has been praised by chinese poets of all ages, andhas always enjoyed the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world". togetherwith yueyang tower in hunan province and tengwang pavilion in jiangxi province,it is known as "three famous buildings in the south of the yangtze river". withits long history and magnificent posture, it ranks first in the third floor andenjoys the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world".

as we all know, there are many kinds of cranes in nature, including whitecrane, grey crane, red crowned crane, black necked crane and so on, but there isno yellow crane. so why do people in wuhan call the landmark building of theirhometown yellow crane tower? this beautiful name comes from a beautifulmyth.

once upon a time, there was a man named xin who was selling wine on the topof huanghu mountain. one day, an old man in ragged clothes came to him and askedhim for drinks. although his business was small and profitable, he was faithful,kind and charitable. seeing that lao dao was very pitiful, he generously having enough to eat and drink, lao dao was very grateful to xin. later,lao dao would come every day, and hsin would answer every request. a year passedunconsciously. one day, lao dao came to the hotel again. as soon as xin saw him,he quickly prepared food and wine for lao dao. lao dao quickly stopped him andsaid, "i don't drink today. i'm here to say goodbye to you.". he said thatdrinking every day, no thanks, but i will draw, i will draw a picture for yourhotel as a souvenir. after that, lao dao picked up the orange peel on the groundand drew it on the wall. in a short time, he drew a crane. because the color ofthe orange peel is yellow, the crane is also yellow. after the painting, lao daosaid to xin: as long as you clap your hands, the yellow crane will come down anddance for the drinkers.

as soon as xin heard this, he was very happy. he immediately went to seethe crane painted by lao dao. he thought it was lifelike and very beautiful. heturned to thank lao dao for drawing such a good picture for his hotel, but laodao had disappeared. the next day, a guest came to the hotel. he thought of theold taoist's words and clapped his hands for a try. sure enough, the yellowcrane jumped down, sang and danced, and then jumped back to the wall. the guestwas very happy. after the news spread, people and tourists from three towns inwuhan came to the store to watch the yellow crane dance. since then, the hotelbusiness flourished, and xin's got rich.

one day ten years later, lao dao appeared in the hotel again. when she sawhim, she was very happy. she took lao dao and said, "when you've been there forten years, i'll inquire about your whereabouts and find out where you are. todayyou are back, please don't leave again. after xin's speech, lao dao said to xin:i wonder if you have paid off my wine debt with the money you have earned in thepast ten years? xin said in a hurry: thank you very much. with the help of theyellow crane you left behind, i am very rich now. on hearing this, the taoistpriest laughed, took off his flute and played a wonderful tune to the yellowcrane on the wall. the yellow crane began to sing and dance with the flute. atthe end of the song, the old taoist stepped on the yellow crane. the yellowcrane flew away with the old taoist. since then, the old taoist never cameback.

people in the three towns of wuhan miss this crane, which brings themhappiness and auspiciousness. they suggest that xin build a pavilion beside thehotel to honor laodao and huanghe. at the same time, it also guides the oldtaoist and yellow crane who travel all over the world. i hope they will comeback soon. xin accepted everyone's advice and took out the money he hadaccumulated for many years to build a high-rise building next to the hotel. hefelt that the yellow crane helped him get rich, so he named it the yellow cranetower. for thousands of years, this story has been widely spread, and has becomethe most influential legend of the yellow crane tower.

the yellow crane tower was first built in 223 a.d. in the second year of wuhuangwu in the three kingdoms. it has a history of more than 1700 years, duringwhich it has been destroyed and built repeatedly. this is because the yellowcrane tower is no longer a scenic building in the general sense, it reflects therise and fall of an era. since the yellow crane tower was destroyed in 1884,people have been looking forward to its reappearance in jiangcheng, but theyhave not been able to do so. it was not until after the reform and opening upthat the yellow crane tower was rebuilt, which fully reflects the improvement ofchina's comprehensive national strength. the yellow crane tower we are visitingtoday is based on the yellow crane tower of the qing dynasty. constructionstarted in 1981 and was completed in 1984. it is 100 years since the last yellowcrane tower was destroyed.

the snake mountain, where the yellow crane tower is located, is composed ofseven mountains arranged from east to west and connected end to end. from westto east, there are huanghu mountain, yinjia mountain, huanglong mountain,gaoguan mountain, daguan mountain, qipan mountain and xishan mountain, with atotal length of more than 20__ meters. it is named snake mountain because it issimilar to crouching snake. the yellow crane tower is built on the top ofhuanghu mountain. in ancient chinese, the two words "hu" and "he" are common, soit is also called huanghe mountain. the pavilion on huanghe mountain is ofcourse called huanghe tower. but people are more willing to accept the legend ofimmortals.

in order to make you enjoy the yellow crane tower better, i use five wordsto summarize the characteristics of the yellow crane tower: high, strange,dangerous, beautiful and wonderful. it is high in the mountains, high buildingsare higher, and the sky is pierced by clouds and clouds; it is strange that thegods cross the crane, and the myth spreads; it is dangerous to stand near theriver, and there is no land under it; it is beautiful to climb the tower andoverlook the scenery of wuhan; it is wonderful that the literati and theanecdotes spread.

ok, now we have come to the yellow crane tower park. yellow crane towerpark is composed of main building, pavilions, porches, memorial archways andgushi commercial street. the main building has a clear height of 51.4 meters andfive floors. it is square in shape and looks like one. each side is 35 meterslong, with 72 columns rising from the ground and 60 cornices flying in the takes advantage of the length of the calendar tower to gather the beauty ofthe north and the south. the golden colored glazed roof is simple and beautiful,and the red gourd shaped top glitters at night. each layer has a strong poeticflavor. now let's go into the main building to have a look.

we are now in the hall on the first floor of the yellow crane tower. thehall is 22 meters wide and 14 meters long. look at these antique pillars, whichhave a circumference of two meters. they go straight to the top floor, which canbe said to be the optimus prime of the whole building. this "picture of whiteclouds and yellow cranes" is 9 meters high and 6 meters wide. on the picture,the yellow crane tower stands in the middle, with a fairy riding on the yellowcrane and an iron flute blowing on the top, and people singing and dancingbelow. the whole picture is full of romantic and magical atmosphere. on bothsides of the painting, there is a couplet of zhang zhidong, an importantminister of the late qing dynasty

cool air from the west

the river goes to the east and the waves wash away the worries of the pastand the present

after the famous couplet in the hall, there is a huge carved screen, whichis painted with the shape of the yellow crane tower in history. it is highlyskilled and antique, which can be called a fine art.

ok, please follow me up. our current location is not the second floor, butthe mezzanine between the first floor and the second floor, commonly known asthe horse racing gallery. there are such horse racing corridors between everytwo floors. you can calculate that the yellow crane tower originally has fivefloors. in addition, the horse racing corridor between every two floors has atotal of nine floors inside. therefore, the yellow crane tower has a buildingstructure of five floors outside and nine floors inside. here are somehistorical celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. you can enjoy them.

as you can see, there are six models of yellow crane tower in tang, song,yuan, ming, qing dynasties and modern times on the second floor. they eachrepresent the architectural styles of their own times. you see, the yellow cranetower of the tang dynasty is connected with the city on the first floor and hasonly two floors on the outside. the overall structure is simple and rough,giving people a sense of simplicity and vigor. take another look at the songdynasty building, which is composed of four parts: building, terrace, porch andcorridor. each floor has a double eaves, which shows the delicate and meaningfulartistic style of the song dynasty. the form of the yuan dynasty continued thestyle of the song dynasty, while the ming dynasty was still two-tier.

if you look at it again, there are some cloth awnings and other things. doyou know what they are for? yes, they are the umbrellas used by people inancient times. look at the yellow crane tower in the qing dynasty. it has threefloors. the first floor has 12 eaves, representing 12 hours of a day. the secondfloor has 12 eaves, representing 12 months of a year. the third floor has 24eaves, representing 24 solar terms of a year. the most amazing thing about it isthat it can integrate the traditional chinese astronomy and calendar unately, it was destroyed by thunder and fire in the summer of 1884, thatis, the 10th year of guangxu reign of the qing dynasty. the last one is now theyellow crane tower. it is based on the yellow crane tower of the qing was rebuilt in 1984. it not only has the unique traditional shape of theyellow crane tower, but also is more magnificent than the buildings of previousdynasties.

please hold the stairs and follow me to the third floor. here is a ceramicpainting called "the quintessence of literati". the figures in the picture havedifferent and lifelike expressions, which reproduces the scenes of the literaticoming here to chant poems and fu. you see, the yellow robe in the middle is cuihao, the great poet of tang dynasty. it is said that one year, cui hao came tothe yellow crane tower and wrote an impromptu poem after his visit

once upon a time, people had gone by the yellow crane, but there was noyellow crane tower left here.

once the yellow crane is gone, it will never return.

qingchuan experienced hanyang tree, grass luxuriant parrot island.

where is the hometown at dusk? the yanbo river is worrying.

this poem has a wonderful artistic conception and is a rare poem describingthe yellow crane tower. however, there are many famous poets in tang dynasty,and cui hao is not well-known. therefore, although his poems are good, no oneappreciates them. another year, the poet li bai came to the yellow crane local people were very happy to see the poet come here, and asked li bai towrite a poem for the yellow crane tower. after visiting, li bai felt that thelegend of yellow crane tower was strange and the scenery was beautiful, so hemade great progress in poetry and agreed to write poems. people are ready tostudy four treasures, li bai dipped in thick ink, hold his breath, to write, butat this time, he looked up, saw cui hao's poem on the wall, he was stunned onthe spot, shook his head, stopped writing. the onlookers did not know why. theyasked why. li bai sighed and chanted a doggerel

one blow smashes the yellow crane tower and one kick overturns the parrotisland.

in front of me, there is a scene. cui hao wrote a poem on it!

after chanting, he left. as a result of li bai's praise, cui hao's poemsare well-known, and the yellow crane tower is also spread around with cui hao'spoems.

the fourth floor is the cultural activity place of the yellow crane tower,displaying the impromptu works of famous contemporary calligraphers and paintersvisiting the building. there are also four treasures of the study speciallyprepared here. if any tourists are interested, they might as well show theirskills here.

now we come to the viewing platform on the fifth floor of the yellow cranetower. the first picture we see here is a group of paintings called "thevastness of the river and the sky", which covers an area of 90 square meters andis the largest among the murals in the whole building. it consists of 10 colorpaintings. the three on the front wall are the center of the group of first one records the process of the ancient yangtze river culture from topto bottom. the second is the water waves depicted with gold lines on the stonegreen background, occupying the whole picture. it seems that people stand on across section of the yangtze river and feel the waves rushing eastward. thethird one reflects the process of the yellow crane tower's emergence, rise andfall after the three kingdoms period. the other seven, painted on the e fang,are: the source of the yangtze river, the waterfalls in the upper reaches, thescenery of the three gorges, the wonders of lushan, the scenery of taihu lake,the river flowing into the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea.

now let's go to the west and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the three townsin wuhan. in front of you are the yangtze river rolling eastward and the yangtzeriver bridge which makes the natural moat a thoroughfare. in front of you arethe towering tv tower on guishan mountain, the magnificent qingchuan hotel, suchas the qingchuan bridge across the river with rainbow the yellow crane tower,like an old man, sits firmly on the top of the snake mountain, witnessing thevicissitudes of wuhan's history and changing today, and looking forward to theprosperous future with expectation.

well, the tour of yellow crane tower is coming to an end. i hope myexplanation can leave you a good memory. please forgive me for the e to jiangcheng next time and come here. i wish you a pleasant journey anda pleasant journey!

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇七

a famous river spanides harbin into the north and the south part, along its bank formed two amazing riverside parks. that is the mother river of harbin—songhua river.

songhua river, ranks the fifth longest river in china, runs about 1,897 kilometers long and covers a drainage area of 545,600 square kilometers. the source of the river is a crater lake called heavenly lake with an elevation of 2,189 meters at the top of the changbai mountain, which borders north korea in china’s jilin province. the water falls down from the heavenly lake and forms a waterfall, as if the water rushes down from haven. hence the local manchu inhabitant called it “heavenly lake” in meaning, “songga-liwula” in pronunciation. now we transliterate into chinese songhua river.

it is 4 meters in depth and 1 kilometer in width on average in harbin sector. songhua river has more than 900 branches in large and small size. the river is frozen over from november to april the nest year. the period of freezing weather is 135 days.

as the largest branch of the heilong river, songhua river winding through harbin for 117 kilometers and served as an important artery for the development of the city. in the 17th century, under the reign of emperor kangxi, naval ships were stationed along these areas, and resisted the invading russian enemy successfully. after that, in 1689, sino-russian treaty of nerchinsk was signed. that is the first border agreement between the qing government and the imperial russian government. on june 6th, 1898, a russia warship taken on the engineers and surveyors to made a topographic map for building the china-east railway. there landing point is where the flood control monument located now. from then on, the river became busy and lots of material needed for build the railway were transported through this river and then, a modern city was erected at the south bank of songhua river.

three big bridges have been built over the river, and one of them connected the south bank of harbin and sun island was built in 1983 and opened to traffic in 1986. this bridge approach or the leading bridge on the south bank of the songhua river was designed to have two circles. so the whole bridge was like a scissors and the bridge approach is like the scissors’ handle.

the songhua river in winter is no less bustling than a summer bathing beach. it’s frozen hard with ice nearly one meter thick, turning it into a huge playground for all kinds of ice sports. you can go skating and ice sailing, or ride in ice junks or horse-drawn sleighs. but if you want to do something really different, why not get into a swimming costume and join those crazy people, young and old, spaning and swimming in a pool of icy water dug out of the frozen river?

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇八

everybody is good! welcome to the palace museum, i'm glad to serve you, i am the guide from this journey all korean an inscription, everyone call me korean guide line. today i accompanied him you have a good time.

now, you have came to the forbidden city, which is located in the centre of beijing by bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palace during the ming and qing dynasties, it is the palace museum. the palace the whole building magnificent and solemn gorgeous, whether plane layout, magnificent mountains, in the form of the 3 d effect still is incomparable masterpiece.

let's watch the center axis of the palace! the central axis in the central axis of beijing city. after the three main halls, palace, imperial garden is located in the central axis. on both sides of central axis of the palace, but also with many house, grand magnificent.

looking at central axis, art treasures museum! some of the forbidden city palace the establishment of a comprehensive history museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, classification of ceramics, bronze, engraved hall, toys, craft art gallery in the ming and qing dynasties, pavilion, four treasures of the study hall, pride, watches and clocks, and judgments of clear acting palace relics exhibition, collect a large number of ancient art treasures. according to statistics, there are 102653, including many cultural relics are unique priceless.

even the palace of the four corner, every angle has 18 column seventy-two liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. one day, the emperor yongle let ministers in the forbidden city on the four horns of building a nine beam column 10 seventy-two liras, baffled ministers to it. one day, a carpenter saw a des sauterelles cage, very strange, feel cage went up and took a look, a number, that's nine beam column seventy-two liras ten! the carpenter immediately to the secretary. from then on, they left such turrets.

dear visitors, our today's tour end, right now, today's explanation to me, you are welcome to put forward opinions and suggestions, i am thankful. finally, i wish you all have fun! thank you

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇九

could not say around town of lijiang, waste to lijiang. as a result, we will in a few days ago in the evening came to the beautiful ancient city of lijiang, to feel the different views of the ancient city of lijiang.

just entered the city, two water wheel of a large and a small turn in front of our eyes, issued the "sound" sound. "good big!" i looked at in front of large water wheel, the water wheel for three or four i is so high. you see this night in lijiang, bright lights, everywhere is beautiful. in 7 colour below the illuminate of lamplight, antique building more don't have a scene, tourists from all over the world travel in lijiang ancient town, but also to the old town of lijiang has brought the modern breath. further on, he reached the entrance of the store. i looked down, wow, a small river is flowing. look farther away, is really "every family streams around the home, weeping willows around the jiangnan". i felt not enough in his own eyes, look in all directions, and watch the scenery around, and my mother together, wu yongxiang, wu yongxiang mother were intoxicated in the beauty.

we walk slowly on the marble ground, far to hear the noise. moved past a look, turned out to be bar area! here the music is very big, as if i'm the earthquake. the buildings here are all ancient sweet patina, made of wood houses, and two floors. in the ancient city buildings, there is no tall buildings, there are only two layers of buildings, the second floor attic to leisure is really beautiful. architectural design is antique, also hangs down the roof, to the town of all kinds of evil beasts... in the modern urban places not see things, here it is everywhere.

i have a look at the foot of the streams, to grasp the "well in and out under". blink of an eye, we came to lijiang snack street. from the three hundred meters, i can smell the thick scent, then run at a speed of beyond history. a look, my saliva couldn't help to drop down. see what naxi bunch, across the bridge rice noodle, shrimp pot rice noodle, yak meat string, lijiang zi ba... has everything, the fragrance of numerous food together, this is called a tempting. and so my mother and i, wu yongxiang, wu yongxiang one mom bought a yak meat to eat, and drink the thirst of yak yogurt.

i watched the beautiful scenery around, while eating and drinking, it's a nice ah! the old town of lijiang is a city that never sleeps, no closed shops everywhere. "why the lijiang ancient city without walls?" i suddenly thought of this problem and asked mom. mother a face satisfiedly say: "this is not simple, because it convenient and easy to escape." "ah, but that there was no way to guarding city only casualty is a big street." i said again. "ha ha, sure you mom smart. because lijiangren is ringleader, who to who they surrender, who is strong who they surrender." mom said again, a happy face. "i see." i secretly thought, "that's wonderful."

in the leisure of lijiang ancient town, while enjoying the scenery side to enjoy food, old town of lijiang is in another way. people who want to enjoy life, hurry to the lijiang ancient town stay for two days!

哈爾濱的導(dǎo)游詞300字 導(dǎo)游介紹哈爾濱文章篇十

today, my mother and i came to yichang.

first of all, we live in the longquan mountain villa. the scenery here is good, is across the yangtze river and the lower laoxi, xiling gorge.

the next day, we went to the gezhouba dam. let me introduce the yangtze river gezhouba: yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy hub project, is the first river in our country, the first large scale hydropower projects built on the yangtze river. the project and its permanent equipment all by our design, construction, manufacturing and installation.

the gezhouba project is located in the yangtze river three gorges export, in yichang, hubei province. after the yangtze river the three gorges ends at nanjinguan, suddenly open, river by broadening abruptly three hundred meters to three hundred meters. the gezhouba and by the river on the river xiba two island is spanided into three shares, from right to left, referred to as the great river, jiang and the sanjiang, respectively. great river is the main channel of the yangtze river, navigable all the year round, two jiang and the sanjiang only in the flood water. gezhouba water conservancy hub is built in which.

the gezhouba project is mainly composed of locks, power plants and discharging sluices, sluice and the water retaining structure.

dam, the dam, 47 meters high total length of 2595 meters, control river basin area of 100 square kilometers, the total capacity of 1.58 billion cubic meters. excavation backfilling conditions of 111.3 million cubic meters, the whole project of eleven million one hundred and thirty thousand cubic meters of concrete, the installation of metal structure of 77500 tons.

the gezhouba project building three locks in the three rivers and river, in one way through capacity of 20 million tons recently, forward is up to 50 million tons. 2, no. 3 shiplock head bay bridge set activity. crest road and rail. in rivers and two each a massive runoff hydropower station, a total of 21 sets, total capacity of 2.71 million kilowatts, the average annual output of 14.1 billion degrees. a discharge sluice in two massive, three rivers and river each building a sluice, all open, is safe to vent in the history of the yangtze river flood largest 110000 cubic.

gezhouba dam construction in two phases.

first phase of the gezhouba water conservancy construction in the three rivers and two river. one phase of the project includes two river power plant, discharge sluice and sanjiang 2, 3 two locks, sluice and so on five big buildings and other water retaining structure.

yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy construction, not only for industrial and agricultural production to provide strong power in central china, and effectively improve familiar gorge channel, at the same time for the construction of the yangtze river three gorges water conservancy hub project, china's largest accumulation of test, improve technology, training team.

on the third day, we visited the world's largest water conservancy hub project, the three gorges.

the three gorges project mainly include blocking river dam, hydropower station, such as lock composed of three parts.

we went to visit the yangtze river three gorges project target figure and original geomorphological map to recognize the three gorges dam site of three gorges project being built at zhongbaodao island as "hard granite rock mass", is the most ideal to build the dam dam site.

and i looked at the three gorges project night scene graph, the three gorges of the night view is very beautiful!

we really great, even the waves of the yangtze river can be under control.


