
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-04-20 07:40:32
時(shí)間:2023-04-20 07:40:32     小編:zdfb




people surrounded by daytime traffic noise louder than 60db were 4 per cent more likely to diethan those where noise levels were 55db – roughly the level of a loud conversation.


the extra deaths mostly involved heart or artery disease - which could in turn be linked to raisedblood pressure, sleep problems and stress brought on by noise, the scientists claim.


a total of 8.6 million living in london between 2003 and 2010 provided data for the study,reported in the european heart journal.

《歐洲心臟雜志》(european heart journal)的報(bào)告指出,該項(xiàng)研究的數(shù)據(jù)來源是2003至2010年居住在倫敦的860萬人。

lead scientist dr jaana halonen, from the london school of hygiene & tropical medicine, said: 'road traffic noise has previously been associated with sleep problems and increased bloodpressure, but our study is the first in the uk to show a link with deaths and strokes.'

倫敦衛(wèi)生及熱帶醫(yī)學(xué)學(xué)院 (london school of hygiene & tropical medicine)的首席科學(xué)家亞納·哈洛寧博士(jaana halonen)表示:“道路交通噪音早前被證明與睡眠問題和血壓升高有關(guān),但我們的研究是英國(guó)第一個(gè)將道路交通噪音和死亡、中風(fēng)聯(lián)系在一起的?!?/p>

in london, more than 1.6 million people are exposed to daytime road traffic noise louder thanthis threshold.


the study also found that adults living in areas with the noisiest daytime traffic were 5% morelikely to be admitted to hospital for stroke than those from quieter neighbourhoods. for theelderly, this increase in risk rose to 9%.


between 2003 and 2010, a total of 442,560 adults from the study population died from allcauses, of whom 291,139 were elderly.

2003至2010年期間,研究調(diào)查對(duì)象中有 442,560名成年人因各種原因死亡,其中291,139名為老年人。

the scientists looked levels of road traffic noise between 7am and 11pm, and at night between11pm and 7am, across a range of different postcodes and correlated their findings with death andhospital admission rates. a number of factors - including inspaniduals' age and sex as well asethnicity, smoking levels, air pollution and socio-economic deprivation - were taken into account.


commenting on the findings, professor francesco cappuccio, chair of cardiovascular medicine andepidemiology at the university of warwick, said: 'the results do not imply a direct cause-effectrelationship. however, they are consistent with other evidence to suggest a possible causal link.'

針對(duì)研究結(jié)果,華威大學(xué)(university of warwick)心血管醫(yī)學(xué)和流行病學(xué)主席、教授弗朗西斯科·卡普喬(francesco cappuccio)發(fā)表評(píng)論稱:“這些結(jié)果并不意味著道路交通噪音和死亡、中風(fēng)之間存在直接因果關(guān)系。不過,研究結(jié)果與其他能證明這種因果關(guān)系可能存在的證據(jù)具有一致性。“

'for instance, it has been well established that nocturnal traffic noise disrupts sleep quantity andquality. if sustained over time, these disturbances, like sleep deprivation, have been associatedwith a 12% increased risk of all-cause mortality, mainly due to a 15% increase in stroke eventsand high blood pressure. public health policies must pay more attention to this emergingevidence.'


dr tim chico, consultant cardiologist at the university of sheffield, said: ‘there may be otherfactors that link high noise areas with cardiovascular disease, and it is difficult to take all of theseinto account.

謝菲爾德大學(xué)的心臟病顧問專家蒂姆·奇科(tim chico)說:“也許有其他因素導(dǎo)致生活在高噪音區(qū)域的人有心血管疾病的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),要把所有因素考慮在內(nèi)有一定困難?!?/p>

nevertheless, given what we know about traffic emissions increasing heart disease, we shouldremember that travelling by foot or bike is definitely healthier - both for you and for the peoplearound you.’




