2023年綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字優(yōu)質(zhì)(十一篇)

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2023年綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字優(yōu)質(zhì)(十一篇)
時(shí)間:2023-05-14 11:02:09     小編:cyyllee


綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇一


many intelligent people still equatehappiness with fun. the truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. fun is what we experience during an act. happiness is what we experience after an act. it is a deeper, more abiding emotion.


going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. but they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.


i have often thought that if hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. these rich, beautiful inspaniduals have constant access to glamorousparties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells “happiness”.


but in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.


the way people clingto the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. if fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. but, in fact, the opposite is true: more times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.


as a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. they fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, civicor charitablework, and self-improvement.


綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇二


just tie your yellow ribbon around the old oak tree.


what comes to mind when you think of yellow?


yellow makes me feel warm,its a sunny color.


sure, i think different things like a big tall glass of cool yellow lemonade, a large branch of yellow bananas, or an old book with yellow pages, but i also think of a few of yellow sunflowers, the yellow sun rising in the morning, a near yellow trap of goldfish swimming around, a group of trooping yellow chicks?

當(dāng)然,我也會(huì)想到不同的東西,就像一大杯很涼爽的黃檸檬汁,一大把黃色的香蕉,或者是一本舊書的黃頁(yè),但我也會(huì)想到黃色的向日葵, 在早晨升起金黃色的太陽(yáng),金魚游來(lái)游去,成群結(jié)隊(duì)的黃色小雞?

im not sure why someone who was easily frightened is describe as yellow, or why that person is sometimes called yellow bellied.


yellow is a closest color to gold,which is a very nice color, but im not rich, so im under the shadow of yellow.


talk about it:


when you hear the word yellow, what comes to your mind?


how does the color yellow make you feel?


what are some things that are yellow?


do you know any idioms that use the word yellow?


what are some colors that are similar to yellow?


what does the color yellow symbolize?


can you name some fictional characters that are associated with the color yellow?


do you think that the color yellow means different things or different cultures?


綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇三



if you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. when we are stressed, depressed, upset, or otherwise in a negative state of mind because we perceive that “bad things” keep happening to us, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. if we dont, we will only attract more “bad things.”


it is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but i can assure you that someone, somewhere is worse off than you. we can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.


if you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. with practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.


綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇四

“the days that make us happy make us wise.”----john masefield

when i first read this line by englands poet laureate, it startled me. what did masefield mean? without thinking about it much, i had always assumed that the opposite was true. but his sober assurance was arresting. i could not forget it.

finally, i seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. the wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear.

active happiness---not mere satisfaction or contentment ---often comes suddenly, like an april shower or the unfolding of a bud. then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. the grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision.

nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. happy, the wall crumbles.

the long vista is there for the seeing. the ground at your feet, the world about you----people, thoughts, emotions, pressures---are now fitted into the larger scene. everything assumes a fairer proportion. and here is the beginning of wisdom.

綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇五

all this happened more than a decade ago.

on the afternoon before chinese new years day i went to visit a friend in the suburbs of chongqing. she lived on the top floor of the village office building. a flight of dark, narrow stairs led to a room where a table and several bamboo stools stood and a telephone hung on the wall. beyond this room, separated by a mere cloth curtain, was the room where my friend lived. she had gone out, leaving a note on the desk by the window saying that she had been called away unexpectedly and wanted me to wait for her to come back.

i sat down at her desk, picked up a newspaper and started reading. suddenly i heard the wooden door of the outside room open with a squeak. shortly after, i heard someone moving a bamboo stool. i lifted the curtain and looked, only to find a small girl of about eight or nine. she had a pale thin face, and her lips were frozen purple because of the cold. her hair was cut short and she was dressed in worn-out clothes. she wore no socks, only a pair of straw sandals. she was climbing onto the bamboo stool, trying to get hold of the receiver; but she quickly withdrew her hand as if startled at the sight of me. i asked her, do you want to make a phone call? yes, she nodded as she climbed off the stool, i want to call the hospital. i want dr hu. mum has just spat up a lot of blood! do you know the phone number? i asked. she shook her head and said, i was just going to ask the telephone service for it .... i immediately looked in the directory beside the telephone and soon found the number. then i asked her again; if i get the doctor where should i tell him to go? just tell her wang chunlins wife is ill, and she will come, she replied.

i made the phone call and got through to the doctor. the girl gratefully thanked me and turned to leave straight away. i stopped her and asked, is your home far from here? just down in the valley, under the big yellow fruit tree, she told me, pointing outside the window. it takes only a couple of minutes to get there. with these words, she clattered downstairs.

returning to my friends room i read the newspaper from cover to cover, then picked up the three hundred tang poems and went through half of it. it was getting more and more overcast outside, yet there was no sign of my friend. bored, i stood up, looked out the window, and watched the hazy mountain scenery in the thick fog. i spotted the small hut under the yellow fruit tree, and suddenly got the idea that i should visit the little girl and her sick mother. i went downstairs, bought a few big oranges from the hawker at the door, put them into my handbag, and walked along the uneven slabstone path down to the hut.

i knocked softly on the wooden door. the young girl i had met just now answered. seeing me, she was a little taken aback at first, but soon began to smile and beckoned me in. on the plank bed against the wall her mother was lying on her back, her eyes closed. she must have gone to sleep. there were blood stains spattered on the bedclothes round her neck. her face was turned to the wall, and i could only see tangled wisps of hair across her face and the coil at the back of her head. there was a small charcoal stove by the door, and on it a small, simmering casserole. the girl bade me sit down on the foot-stool in front of the stove, she herself squatting beside me, sizing me up. has the doctor been? yes, she gave mum an injection .... shes quite ok now. then she added, as if to console me, dont worry. the doctor will come again in the morning . has your mum eaten anything? whats in here? i asked, pointing to the casserole. she smiled, and replied, its yam porridge, our new years eve dinner . i suddenly remembered the oranges i had brought with me. i took them out and put them on the bedside table. the girl said nothing, just quietly reached her hand out for the biggest one. she cut the peel off the top with a knife, and deftly peeled the rest of the orange with her fingers.

who else lives here with you? i asked her in a low voice. no one else right now. my dad went somewhere,... she did not finish. she slowly took out the orange segments and laid them beside her mothers pillow.

the tiny fire in the stove gradually died down, and it was getting dark outside. i stood up to go. the little girl held me back, quickly and deftly took out a big needle with a linen thread and worked at the bowl-shaped orange peel. she linked the opposite corners in such a way as to make a small basket, which she hung on a thin bamboo stick. she then took the stub of a candle from the windowsill, placed it in the orange peel basket, and lit it. when she had done all this, she handed the lamp to me, saying, its dark now, and the road is slippery. let this little orange lamp light the way for you up the mountain.

i accepted the lamp with admiration, and thanked her. she came out to see me off. i did not know what to say. again, as if to console me, she spoke. dad will soon come back. then mum will be well. she drew a circle in the air with her small hand, and then pressed it on mine, and said, then, we will all be well. obviously, her all included me.

holding this ingeniously-made little lamp, i walked slowly up the dark, wet mountain path. in truth, the dim orange light could not reach very far. however, the little girls calmness and courage, and her optimism, made me feel as though the way in front of me was boundlessly illuminated.

my friend had come back. seeing me with the little orange lamp, she asked me where i had been. i told her, ive been to ... to wang chunlins. she was astonished. wang chunlin, the carpenter? how did you come to know him? some students from the medical college down at the foot of the mountain were arrested last year. later, wang chunlin disappeared. it was said that he had often carried messages for those students ...

i left the mountain village that night, and have not heard of the little girl and her mother since.

but i recall the little orange lamp every chinese new year. twelve years have passed. her father must have come back long ago, and her mother got well. for we are all well now.

綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇六


another day, another color.


what comes to mind when you think of green?


i think of different things like a cool green forest where i can walk with a friend, a green leaf of lotus to wrap my food in, a green watermelon that i can share, a green frog croaking away.

我會(huì)想到很多不同的事物,就像一個(gè)涼爽的綠色森林,在那里我可以與一位朋友一起散步,或者包裹我的食物的一片綠色荷葉, 或者我能分享的一個(gè)綠色的西瓜,抑或是一只綠色的小青蛙的鳴聲著離開。

i also think of different images like a person who might be green with envy, who thinks that the grass is always greener on the other side;


or an uncle, who has a green thurm, he has great growing plants, his garden is beautiful;


or my boss giving me permission or a green light to go ahead with the project;


or a new worker, who is green, he doesnt have any experiencing.


talk about it:


when you hear the word green, what comes to your mind?


how does the color green make you feel?


what are some things that are green?


do you know any idioms that use the word green?


what are some colors that are associated with emotions, like green with envy?


green is used to describe many things, what do you think it means when someone says they have a lot of green?

綠色用來(lái)形容很多東西, 如果有人說他們有很多的綠色,你覺得這是什么意思?

綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇七


a faraway friend is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same town as until one of you moved away. without a faraway friend, you would never get any mail addressed in handwriting. a faraway friend calls late at night, invites you to her wedding, always says she is coming to visit but rarely shows up. an actual visit from a faraway friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds. cigarettes, chips ahoy, bottles of former friend. a sad thing. at best awistfulmemory, at worst a dangerous enemy who isin possession ofmany of your deepest secrets. but what was it that drove you apart? a misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation. a poor choice of spouse can do in a friendship just like that. going into business together can be a serious mistake. time, money, distance, cult religions: all noted friendship killers.

a new friend is atonicunlike any other. say you meet her at a party. in your bowling league. at a japanese conversation class, perhaps. wherever, whenever, theres that spark of recognition. the first time you talk, you cant believe how much you have in common. suddenly, your life story is interesting again, your insights fresh, your opinion valued. your various shortcomings are as yet completely invisible.





l adj.渴望的, 不滿足似的;沉思的; 愁悶的;引起懷念的


the poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth.


possession of 控制,擁有


twenty years ago, his father was very rich and was in possession of a farm.

二十年前, 他父親很富, 有一個(gè)農(nóng)場(chǎng)。

n. 補(bǔ)藥,(音樂)主調(diào)音或基音 adj. 滋補(bǔ)的,使精神振作的


this tonic will work miracles for your depression.


綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇八

the man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible “. (bonaparte napoleon ,french emperor )

凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來(lái)不說“不可能的”。( 法國(guó)皇帝拿破侖. b.)

i will greet this day with love in my heart.


do what you say,say what you do


i can make it through the rain. i can stand up once again on my own.

我可以穿越云雨,也可以東山再起(mariah carey-through the rain)

all things come to those who wait.


a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


never, never, never, never give up (winston churchill)


a man is not old as long as he is seeking something. a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (j. barrymore)


you have to believe in yourself . that’s the secret of success.(charles chaplin , american actor )

人必須相信自己,這是成功的秘訣。 (美國(guó)演員卓別林. c.)

one’s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(einstein一個(gè)人的真正價(jià)值首先決定于他在什么程度上和在什么意義上從自我解放出來(lái)。(愛因斯坦德國(guó))

one thing i know,that is i know nothing.(socrates greek)


cease to struggle and you cease to live. — thomas carlyle

生命不止,奮斗不息。 — 卡萊爾

victory won’t come to me unless i go to it. —

勝利是不會(huì)向我們走來(lái)的,我必須自己走向勝利。 — 穆爾

we must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. — mattin luther king

我們必須接受失望,因?yàn)樗怯邢薜模f(wàn)不可失去希望,因?yàn)樗菬o(wú)窮的。 — 馬丁 · 路德 · 金

it’s great to be great , but it’s greater to be human. —w. rogers


綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇九


now is the time to dream. when things are at their worst, when people say there is no hope, when the future looks bleak, now is the time to dream.

forget about transport hikes, cpf cuts, erp and gst raises. there is so much more in store, greater things to see, new heights to reach, new depths to hollow. now is the time to dream.

if we have a large enough ambition to serve an entire community ourselves instead of looking to the government for answers, would not ours be a better place? if we enlarge our thinking and invite a wider circle to contribute to the vision of a better singapore, is it not better than complaining about long queues and less savings?

is it not better that we dream dreams and reach for more instead of concentrating on what we have less?

so let us meet, let us talk, let us gather in discussion for a better singapore. let us articulate our hopes, our missions, our values and our vision instead of waiting for the government to state it for us.

let us recognise and respect spanerse approaches and questions and celebrate our unique singapore culture, a blend of many races, born out of adversity but perhaps spoiled in prosperity.

and let us not laugh, declare foolish or cower in alarm if different views result from our efforts. those who emerge strongest, as singapore did 37 years ago, belonged to many races, many aptitudes, many interests, and many points-of-view but happened to pull together.

should we be fired with a passionate vision to work on something that needs doing, let us not wait for the government to give us a grant, a handout or a memo on how to go about doing it.

let us move, on our own accord, with the community, expecting nothing but seeing everything.

do you know how the future should look? do you see a better way? there is no need to wait. there is no need to recline and rest in mock desperation. complaining does nothing.

waiting for a suggestion from above does nothing. hoping to strike 4d is nothing. rather, let us meet, let us talk, let us gather in discussion for a better singapore.

we are not hopeless. we are not children without voices. but we are restricted in our own minds. we self-censor our thoughts for fear of reprisal.

we hush our voices for fear of being heard. and perhaps we are also bound by our own laziness.

the government, after all, can do the thinking for us. our sense of civic duty to engage in public debate and critical thinking is lost except unfortunately for issues that affect our pockets.

but understand this: we may not be in government but we are whom the government works for. we can contribute and do instead of follow. we can let go of our parents hand and grow up. now is the time to dream.

perhaps all of us have tentative notions about the future. some of us fear, some of us rejoice. only a few of us will probably see correctly and understand how to get there.

not all of us will be good at identifying and analysing problems. solutions will perhaps escape most of us. but without discourse, without sharing, we do not even give ourselves the simple chance of being able to try to work things out.

would you gather to discuss a better vision for our singapore?


















綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇十


price of a miracle

tess was a precocious eight-year-old girl when she heard her mom and dad talking about her little brother, andrew. all she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money. they were moving to an apartment complex next month because daddy didn’t have the money for the doctor’s bills and our house.

only a very costly surgery could save him now and it was looking like there was no-one to loan them the money. she heard daddy say to her tearful mother with whispered desperation, “only a miracle can save him now.”

tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. she poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. three times, even. the total had to be exactly perfect. no chance here for mistakes.

carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to rexall’s drug store with the big red indian chief sign above the door.

she waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment. tess twisted her feet to make a noise. nothing. she cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster.

no good. finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. that did it! “and what do you want?” the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. “i’m talking to my brother from chicago whom i haven’t seen in ages, “he said without waiting for a reply to his question.”

“well, i want to talk to you about my brother,” tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “he’s really, really sick... and i want to buy a miracle.”

“i beg your pardon?” said the pharmacist. “his name is andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him now. so how much does a miracle cost?”

“we don’t sell miracles here, little girl. i’m sorry but i can’t help you,” the pharmacist said, softening a little. “l(fā)isten, i have the money to pay for it. if it isn’t enough, i will get the rest. just tell me how much it costs.”

the pharmacist’s brother was a well-dressed man. he stooped down and asked the little girl, “what kind of a miracle does your brother need?” “i don’t know,” tess replied with her eyes welling up.

“i just know he’s really sick and mommy says he needs an operation. but my daddy can’t pay for it, so i want to use my money.”

“how much do you have?” asked the man from chicago.

“one dollar and eleven cents,” tess answered barely audibly. “and it’s all the money i have, but i can get some more if i need to.”

“well, what a coincidence,” smiled the man. “a dollar and eleven cents — the exact price of a miracle for little brothers. “he took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said “take me to where you live. i want to see your brother and meet your parents. let’s see if i have the kind of miracle you need.”

that well-dressed man was dr. carlton armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. the operation was completed without charge and it wasn’t long until andrew was home again and doing well. mom and dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.

“that surgery,” her mom whispered, “was a real miracle. i wonder how much it would have cost?” tess smiled. she knew exactly how much a miracle cost... one dollar and eleven cents ... plus the faith of a little child.















“剛剛好,”男人笑著說,“一美元十一美分 —— 正好可以為你弟弟買個(gè)奇跡。”他一手拿著小女孩的錢一手緊緊握住她的手說“帶我去你住的地方,我想去看看你弟弟和你的父母,看看我是不是有你們需要的奇跡。”



綠色英文版 綠色英文翻譯漢字篇十一


there is a place deep within each one of us that is peaceful and serene. this place is known as your essence...

if youve ever wondered what it feels like to connect with your essence ill give you a hint right here at faith radio online-simply to relax, i’m faith. as a matter of fact, youve been there many times.

you experience your essence when you witness a beautiful sunset over the ocean... that feeling of being lost in the horizon as time stands still. or when you sit quietly in meditation and feel your mind letting go... surrendering into the space between your thoughts.

youve touched your essence when you blissfully engage in your favorite hobby and suddenly youve lost track of time. youve known your essence when youve been moved to tears from listening to an artist compose music.

youve experienced your essence when youve listened to your intuition and something purposeful has occurred because you trusted yourself.

you’re listening to faith radio online-simply to relax, and i’m faith. one of the most rewarding aspects of connecting to your essence is the feeling of deep inner peace. its a feeling so unique unto itself and you know you wouldnt trade it for anything.

spirituality is an inner fire, a mystical sustenance that feeds our souls. the mystical journey drives us into ourselves, to a sacred flame at our center. the purpose of the religious experience is to develop the eyes by which we see this inner flame, and our capacity to live its mystery. in its presence, we are warmed and ignited.

在我們每個(gè)人的內(nèi)心深處都有一塊平靜安寧的地方, 那個(gè)地方就是你的靈魂。

如果你想知道與你的靈魂深觸會(huì)是一種怎樣的感覺. 現(xiàn)在就讓我在faith輕松電臺(tái)節(jié)目里給你一些啟示,我是faith。事實(shí)上, 你曾有過太多次這樣的體驗(yàn)。

當(dāng)你目睹美麗的日落緩緩消失在海平線上時(shí),你也體驗(yàn)著與你的靈魂深觸……一種似乎時(shí)空靜止,自我消失于地平線上的感覺?;蛘弋?dāng)你靜坐冥思時(shí),感覺到你的心靈自由放飛…… 聽任于你的思想空間.



您正在收聽的是faith輕松電臺(tái), 我是faith. 和你的靈魂深觸所帶來(lái)的最有價(jià)值的一個(gè)益處就是:一種內(nèi)心深處的寧?kù)o。這是一種非常特殊的感覺,你知道任何東西都不能取代它。

精神是一份心中的激情, 是滋潤(rùn)我們靈魂的一種神秘食糧。這神秘之旅帶我們實(shí)現(xiàn)自我, 并追隨那份我們心中神圣的熱情。信仰體驗(yàn)的目的就是去培育這樣一雙眼睛,通過這雙眼睛我們可以看到心中那份激情和在這份神奇激情之下散發(fā)出的能力。這份激情點(diǎn)燃并溫暖著我們。


