2023年世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語實(shí)用(七篇)

格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-05-26 14:36:17
2023年世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語實(shí)用(七篇)
時(shí)間:2023-05-26 14:36:17     小編:文友


世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇一

whenever i see from the tv when the war blood splashed the whole earth dyed red clear river scene, when i see the children running around homeless scene in the war... i can't watch it anymore. how i wish for peace in the world at this moment! why can't those invaders give up their greedy desires? why can't they stop wars for the sake of their children's future? the relentless war has robbed them of their homes, their loved ones, and their futures.

how i wish the world would be at peace! at that time, everyone holds out the hand of friendship, everyone is equal and free. no aggressor roar, no resistance roar, no war relentless bombing, everywhere full of sweet songs of children, how beautiful the world ah! ambitious aggressors, as long as you learn to give up, give up ambition and greed, there will be no more war in the world, become a beautiful world full of happiness!

i wish my wish could come true.

the recent dispute and ethnic conflict in south ossetia and abkhazia, georgia, has pushed the world situation to a new equilibrium point. with russia's declaration of recognition of the independence of south ossetia and abkhazia, the western world, mainly the united states, has faced strong opposition. russia's assertiveness in its relations with georgia has raised concerns that a new era of a cold war between east and west may be dawning.

after the end of the second world war, especially to tear down the wall, unification, the warsaw pact disintegrated, disintegration of former soviet union marked the end of the cold war, east and west of world interest and even people continuously strong, stop the war and world war ii to emerge from the crisis, many times world back to the era of peace for the time being.

世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇二

the sky is very blue, the trees are very green, the birds are very clear, i see a beautiful flower called "peace" needs to be cherished by the whole world. as we caress the face of the earth, who can destroy it with fire? who wants to use a cannonball to take away our familiar bosom of earth? who wants blood to start the fight?

but what i didn't want to happen happened.

in the news, war broke out between ukraine and russia. the ukrainian battlefield is completely drowned in the sound of guns and cries, the crime of killing no one. of course, including many innocent people, the war is still going on, the purpose is not those simple, who is behind the manipulation of this hateful war? is interest.

my father told me that interests are what every country fights for, that's why wars break out.

i see, the sky is cloudy, the trees have to leave the dear soil, the roadside that "peace flower" a little withered... i saw it, the ruined towns and the ruined suburbs. a loving child loses his loving mother, a young wife loses her husband, a father loses his favorite child... i saw, saw a famous armed men marching toward the city, there came a cry of grief...

the elder brother sighed, "when will the world turn swords into plows?" participants and initiators of war, lay down your arms and regain your long-lost goodness; get rid of the sin, the loneliness that paints behind false justice. otherwise you will end up in the land of sin! when we are in the cool wind, take out the heart of the most true love and tian guang together, right and wrong people around us to extend beautiful smile, and tolerant attitude, even if the most sharp spear can melt, everything will become beautiful.

the war does not come again, i am afraid, afraid and have time to cry, laughing bullets will take away the temperature of the body. let us watch peace together with the dove of peace, watch the original innocence.

may there be no more wars! may peace blossom everywhere!

世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇三

shanghai south railway station, bustling place, in the japanese devastating bombing, all of a sudden ashes to ashes. and this old yellowed photo reminds me of that day.

as the north railway station was in a war zone, a large number of refugees rushed to the south railway station. jostling crowds jostled on the platform. in the distance, there was a rumbling sound, and several enemy planes flew out of the clouds. an alarm sounded at the station, and there was a stampede for the exits as panicked people ran everywhere. a bomb exploded in the crowd.

the boy's parents shielded him with their hands in panic. another bomb was dropped, and just as the platform exploded, the couple gave a push at the critical moment to save their child, but their lives remained forever on august 28.

the little boy sat on the ground in rags and looked around fearfully. in the bombing, some people disappeared and some blood was scattered. the little boy tore heart crack lung to cry on the ruins of the river of blood, the voice of heaven and earth, but, did not get the aggressor's mercy, did not make them put down the butcher's knife, and did not make their relatives come to life. the bombs exploded one after another beside him, and he looked at the mangled train in greater alarm, and began to cry again.

eventually adopted by a kind-hearted survivor, the boy grew up and practiced his skills. because of the hatred and ugliness of japanese fascism has been buried like seeds in the heart, he wants to revenge for his parents and my family, revenge for my country.

don't forget this day! don't forget the shame of our country! don't forget the lesson of blood! peace is precious, but war makes it hard to blossom. let's call off war! for the peace between the people, for the peace of the society, for the peace of the country, we should act with our hearts, work hard, and read for the rise of china!

世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇四

never, never, never go to war with iraq. ever since i learned that bush wanted to destroy the peace, not a day has gone by that i haven't been afraid. i always felt that if america went to war with iraq, it would hurt the whole world. or the doomsday predictions will come true after all.

why start a war when everything is fine? is there anything you can't solve with words? isn't a leader of a country supposed to lead by example? we all know that violence is not the answer. we all know that war is not won or lost. when war breaks out, who will be the real victor? bush was foolish enough to gamble the lives of millions.

did he hear our anti-war voices again? yes, and would he take notice? he has always been conceited, he stands on high, apparently forgetting that all men are equal. he was actually blind. he could not see the past, he could not see the future, he had forgotten the scourge of past wars, and he could not see the scourge of future wars.

i just want world peace. i don't want to go back to those troubled times.

a selfish man destroys the happiness of all mankind selfishly, but he is still unrepentant. he ignores the will of the people. he sees only himself.

we all know in our hearts that no matter how hard we try to preserve our peace, america and iraq will go to war because selfish people won't hear or care what we think.

in this age of civilization, war still exists. i'm really embarrassed about it.

世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇五

what is world peace? it can make the people live and work in peace and stability.

and some unnecessary wars happen to them...

the closest thing to the background of our times is the war between russia and ukraine, during which, at first, the eastward expansion of nato posed a certain threat to russia, so russia was extremely angry and kept warning. russia is angrier than ever about ukraine joining nato in order to gain western protection, but has managed to keep its temper. when russia declared two of ukraine's smaller annexes independent states, ukraine panicked, provoking russia repeatedly and declaring war. it would not have stood up to such a provocation to the best of temperaments.

later, there was a major war between russia and ukraine, and the russian side called for a "special military operation" against ukraine.

but both countries are ignoring an important issue: the security of their citizens. in russia's bombing of ukraine. thousands have died, including many children. we can imagine that the people who lost loved ones, they are not only sad, but also a little bit helpless. how sad it must be to think of such a scene!

this is not the only case, but also in china. for example, the japanese kwantung army fired the first shot of its invasion of china from northeast china in 1937. and the chinese army and people are also constantly anti-japanese upsurge, vowed to drive out the invaders. but tragedies always happen: the japanese imperialists used some chinese women as comfort women, chinese children were killed by bayonets, japanese unit 731 took chinese people as their experiments to torture them... these sad histories are vivid in our minds!

therefore, i call on the world to stop the war, get along with each other, let every family happy, peace dove fly to every corner!

世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇六

what a sacred word "peace" is! but it didn't last forever.

the story of the american attack on libya has been heard in our ears. i would like to ask the united states a question: when you attacked libya, did you ever think how many innocent people would be killed by evil bullets?

if it is for the sake of their own country to become stronger, then i will ask for justice for those innocent people who died.

it takes so many precious lives for a country to become strong, so why can't it be settled in a peaceful way?

if, a world full of sunshine, flowers and love, then the world need not be filled with the smoke of war. rather than let a bullet take life, because, a person's life is the most precious, and only once.

we should keep peace and stop war. let tomorrow's world really full of laughter, peace in the world!

世界和平英語海報(bào) 世界和平的英語短語篇七

i hope the world is peaceful, although chinese children live without war, but many areas are still filled with cruel wars.

i hope there will be peace, when everyone extends the hand of friendship and everyone is equal and free. there was no aggressor, no rebel roar, no bombardment. i hope everywhere is full of children's laughter, people's sweet smile, ambitious aggressors, also become gentle and kind, no longer ambition and greed.

in afghanistan, after the war is over, people's lives are still at risk, because there are more than 10 million mines buried in the ground throughout afghanistan. being killed or injured by landmines is a common story. many people were killed and wounded even in the city centre.

it is unbelievable that a 10-year-old boy was injured by a landmine near his school.

love people, people love, respect people, people respect. if everyone understood this and lived together in peace and humility, war could be avoided.

i hope there will always be peace in the world, so that other regions can also have peace and live a happy life with us.


